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Everything posted by abomination

  1. I don't think it's a misrepresentation at all. Especially considering a user who is not a mod blasted buddy, saying his ip address is what led them to find out buddy was Pirate Deity. Got the receipt to prove that one too.
  2. Can people be banned on site for mentioning my name, even in normal conversation?
  3. your psychology professor is setting you up for failure
  4. it's a shame the only time people here care about a cat post is when that bitch with glasses posts one. le something. i don't hand out likes but i'll give you one because you're nice
  5. do/not/stand/too/close/to/an/open/flame/
  6. you/just/want/to/have/sex/with/a/doll/ amirite/
  7. in/any/event/ my/pussy/itches/and/i/must/retire/to/go/scratch/it/
  8. what/is/an/alt/ i/merely/stumbled/upon/this/folder/and/upon/review/i/was/lost/ i/do/not/understand/anything/you/said/
  9. philstone/ trying/to/make/heads/or/tails/out/of/anything/you/just/said/is/aneurysm/worthy/
  10. the/souls/of/my/enemies/makes/a/fine/diet/
  11. kevin/james/is/fun/but/to/answer/your/question/ he/is/retarded/for/wearing/a/mets/hat/
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