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Everything posted by abomination

  1. you've been jackin it to resident evil village
  2. Well, I once went by midnight. We are all high here.
  3. ah just a little bit of this and a little bit of that what's going on with you, cum bucket? taking care of the old crusty crab?
  4. A couple of pieces of shit. Or, the best thing that has ever happened to this place.
  5. Meh. And I was gonna ask you to French kiss my asshole. But not after you call me hateful names like pedo.
  6. and i'm not catholic. *winks*
  7. only when the priests touch me
  8. i wanted to be a eunuch when i grew up, but i became too attached to my scrotum
  9. nah. my nuts are swampy. foreskin cheese.
  10. this thread is making me moist
  11. so you do have a minivan i knew it they call you candyman in AC don't they?
  12. like going to bally's?
  13. so, by your definition, a hospital would be considered a tourist trap?
  14. Sheem!! I dig the shirt, bro. I saw JP from JP and Julia wearing one in a few of their videos. Dude loves pizza. So do I.
  15. Glad panic was there to settle the debate on titties. That's a weight lifted. 🙄
  16. I felt like going to prison today, but pussed out.
  17. No clue. I'm telling you how proper waste management is supposed to operate. They know people aren't going to follow the rules, and have to grab the bags of household garbage out of those rollbacks. But those rollbacks are going to the same place as the trash that is collected in the garbage trucks that dump the small containers. The household shit is simply loaded into bigger trucks for hauling to the landfill. The other stuff has to be sorted out. There are plenty of landfills that don't allow bulk glass, cardboard, batteries, etc. That stuff has to be disposed of another way, such as recycling. This is pretty S.O.P. with any waste management company.
  18. Those containers will be hauled to a transfer station and the contents will be sorted. What can go into a landfill, will be hauled to one. What can be recycled, will be recycled. And in some areas, not much recycling is going on. Especially glass. The company who collects and hauls, should be the one who bid the lowest. Otherwise, the city/county is stupid for overpaying for the same service. Depending on how much waste is accumulated in that certain area, the tipping fee will be included with the overall cost that the taxpayers pay. The collection/hauling company will work out a deal with the landfill to get a set tipping fee, in most cases. Like our area, the taxpayers pay $53 a year for this service. That's the fee divided up, to cover collection, hauling and tipping. In our case, our county pays around a million bucks a year for waste management.
  19. maybe 300 years too late not 600 and if we're counting Somalian pirates, i'm not late at all
  20. i didn't ask for nothing if you're gonna do this, do it right i get three wishes
  21. internet pirates argh oh shit i said pirate ban thread locked
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