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Everything posted by YeWhoEnter

  1. But the management at adult swim is new as of this spring, which coincides with when the show was canceled according to Jackson. Maybe they will be open to a crowdfunding campaign in ways the network previously wasn't.
  2. Yeah but Family Guy got brought back because it did phenomenally in syndication, something that has never been true of Venture Brothers despite its devoted fan following. Barring the network not doing another Metalocalypse and actually permitting a Kickstarter campaign to fund a final season or movie I think this is a done deal.
  3. Yep it's true, it got cancelled. For some reason the link isn't formatting. Got it to work finally. Jackson says they got the information a few months ago so it's a done deal.
  4. If you want to invest in Apple, Amazon, Tesla, Pets.com, etc. but don't have the money for a whole share you can get a Robinhood account and buy fractional shares. They let you buy a sliver of a share for as low as $1. If you don't have a lot of knowledge on the subject or just don't want to have to study to predict what's coming then buying ETFs for sectors, indicies, or broad markets might be the better way to go. Since they are the equity from different companies bundled into one instrument they allow you to diversify automatically. I didn't know Stash let you go as low as a penny. They're being kind of literal.
  5. But you see he'll always be the victim so long as he's been cancelled. It doesn't have to be intellectually consistent.
  6. He has got an entire market that has opened up to him as a result of this incident. The Baker-Garrison collaboration series is already in talks to broadcast on weekends on OAN.
  7. It depends on how much you want to consider the other users on here as more than feedback devices.
  8. Was kinda wondering how they'd handle Star Wars with Carrie Fisher dead but now I'm wondering instead if she'll ever be without the gold bikini again.
  9. Comes off like a free-to-play slot machine to me, just on a console.
  10. Is there anyplace to stream this series currently? I've looked up and down but I'm empty-handed.
  11. I admire the way he's going down swinging. That's the nerve of a man who knows he's getting residual checks mailed yet. Also, I knew he made some crack about Dolly's luscious milkers before I even saw anything because that is the obvious joke and that's the caliber at which Squidbillies was written.
  12. They wouldn't use a crock pot they would use a replicator. A Star Trek fan would know this.
  13. What did he say about Miss Parton? I am shaking right now.
  14. I was hoping for a 2D game. It looks fine but I think the art style suits 2D better, and I feel like it's a missed opportunity.
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