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Order of the Owl
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Everything posted by mochi

  1. sounds a lot like being a Chastity slave in S&M but the "no Homo hetero dudebro" version
  2. some weirdos decided to start doing this (and not shaving in november) to "raise money for charities"....somehow.....(not sure how devoting your month to Chastity helps raise money unless you're recieving donations for chastity fetishists)....and other weirdos started doing it because they're just drinking the kool-aid
  3. you know nothing of masturbation
  4. ]the fact that you put a "d" at the end of unevenedge makes me think this was a refference to edging.....but edging is when you DO fap, but stop yourself from climaxing.........then continue fapping when the orgasm reflex settles down, and repeat over and over again the goal being that the eventual gasm will be much stronger and feel better when you finally allow yourself to climax I only know this because I've done it....it's great but takes way too much time and effort
  5. mochi

    I got Steam!

    and of course the day I start practicing sfm steam crashes and says it won't be back for 48 hours
  7. the raitings beg to differ
  8. **blocks you**
  9. whenever people link to any news stories relating to orange hitler I have to double check that they aren't white supremacist news outlets
  10. they're equally as awful people as Donald Trump's family from an evil money laundering faux millionaire TV personality viewpoint, they just aren't as (openly) racist although Kaitlin Jenner is apperently anti-gay marriage.....which is odd considering she's a Transgender Lesbian (though she denies being a Lesbian on the grounds that "girls marry boys and I'm a girl" )
  11. bumping because THIS MUST BE SEEN BY EVERYONE AT LEAST ONCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. She also claimed to be 17 in Kanto to get into a pokemon school, basically any time she uses an Alias she claims to be 17 and people believe her I think she even claimed to be a pre-teen once in Black and White to join a summer camp Ash was in, in another attempt to steal Pikachu
  13. occording to a quote from Jessie in Advanced Generation's dub she's at least 25, (she got called old and quietly muttered "I don't look that much older than 25 do I?") also there was an old urban legend that her and James were 15 but it turned out to be a bad translation, they actually said they were 25 in the scene, so based on the fact that the sub and the dub both say they're 25, she and James are presumably 25 and yes when she said she was 17 it was a lie cause she was trying to get in a pokemon trainer school that only allowed people ages 10 to 18 to enroll edit: that said Jessie has successfully lied that she was a teenager multiple times so she must have REALLY youthful skin
  14. Anime is rising in popularity again actually.....not to the extent it was back before the anime and Manga crash in 2007 though
  15. and to be fair some of the people who voted for Trump are here already
  16. the meaning of the saying "apples and oranges" is supposed to be "They may have different names but they're both types of fruit"
  17. Trump supporters white supremacists, apples and oranges
  18. but seriously those boards are better off gone, they were a den of Trolls and White Supremacists at this point
  19. Ironically Ash did once show outward attraction to a girl....a Lass trainer that was bullying some kid back in Kanto but only the one time
  20. also Professor Ivy.............but something turned out to he horribly wrong with her that Brock would never explain
  21. just something you'll find interesting actual olympic figure skaters are going insane for this show
  22. I don't remember there being very many Dawn X Ash shipteases tbh the way I see it, Serena loved Ash to the point of it being creepy and Ash liked Serena enough to not find her obsession with him creepy, May liked him but nothing ever happened(for the above reasons you mentioned) Misty liked him but he didn't like her, Dawn kind of liked him but not enough for her to ever act on it (and vice versa) Lyra was super weird and I hate everything about her (I don't know why, she just gave me the creeps) and as for his movie love intrests, I don't remember them as much as you...except Bianca....and only because on the chance that that was Latias then "ew, why is an animal in love with him?" or if it was Bianca then "tch grrrl why didn't you go with him and force your way into TV canon if you liked him so much?" also Miette seemed less like she liked Ash and more like she was just screwing with Serena cause she knew she liked him
  23. **flirts with a cute guy under the mistletoe then runs past him and eats a potted plant while he backs away slowly**
  24. a memory foam pillow with my penis
  25. he's had a mean Tsundere (Misty) a sweet Tsundere (May) a Yandere (Serena) and in Sun and Moon he has a straight up Harem (Mallow, Lana and Lillie) my question is.....why?, Ash is ten!(''o_o'') I didn't count Dawn and Iris because Ash never displayed any romantic attraction to them and vice versa, they were just his friends
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