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Order of the Owl
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Everything posted by mochi

  1. yeah there's no filter here and we can post (softcore) porn provided we spoiler it
  2. what I like about it is that everyone here seems to be less angry and violent than they were on the Nodeboards I mean some people are still assholes but they're more collected and dignified
  3. well none of this year has been good so why should the games? actually that's not true the anime this year's been surprisingly epic, everything else fucking blows though
  4. wait Yoi and Michiko and Hatchin have the same creator?...............that explains a lot actually.......hah
  5. I.e. the opening stays the same but changes very slightly as the series progresses Sailor Moon Crystal season 3 did this by having the opening theme's orchestration and singer change over the course of the series, and Yuri on ice the opening animation slowly got more colorful over the course of the show
  6. Yuri on Ice Keeps crashing social Media sites servers so I'd say it's a decent investment for them Keijo I'm not sure about 'cause I'm not a fan
  7. and pizza hut pizza
  8. and Pizza
  9. I guess I just know to keep my distance from fandom stuff cause I never saw any of that and it's not a crime to dislike a show, but it is extremely annoying to act like a show is horrible just because you don't like it or because somebody you personally dislike does like it it's like how you endlessly say Sailor Moon is a horrible show just because I like it, it's immature I hate both Naruto and One Punch man, but the most I've ever done to those shows is point out what I don't like about them, (and the only person who seriously takes issue with me doing so is Ben0119 and we all know what he's like) I don't tell people they as people are horrible for being fans of the shows now do I? you can hate Sailor Moon, Voltron, and Steven Universe all you want, just don't tell other people they "can't" like a show just because "you say so"
  10. kay I'm gonna level with you for a second I admit some of Steven Universe's fanbase kind of sucks (that isn't why I've turned my back on the show though there were other factors), but I've yet to see anything terrible the Voltron fanbase has done as a whole why is it that when you dislike a show you have to make wild sweeping accusations about their fanbases and act like anyone who likes the show is terrible?, frankly it's a little bit childish
  12. they simuldubbed Yuri on Ice and now they're dubbing "Sekaiichi no Hatsukoi" which is a garbage anime but **shrug** at least they're trying to broaden their audience shame they'll run out of gay anime to dub after they clear out Crunchyroll's (very small) shonen-ai catalogue unless more anime follow Yuri on Ice's que and add a shit ton of Gay romance....which is possible considering when one show does something in Japan EVERY show does the same exact thing for the next 3 years
  13. VOLTRON SEASON 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. I fixed some typos
  15. replace that with a picture of Trump
  16. 2017 will have more death though if a Holocaust doesn't happen then a Civil war will
  17. it's just preparing you for 2017
  18. **slaps you**
  19. predictions for 2017 Mass genocide of Mexicans, Muslims, Jews, all LGBT Americans the Civil war starts up again, and the world is rendered unlivable by nukes
  20. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. oop Never mind Jman beat me to it
  22. Oh god, I remember Pelswick.....and I remember a lot about it too, it used to Air on Nickelodeon as a Companion show to As Told by Ginger and was actually surprisingly Dark in terms of Humor(not to the extent of Hey Arnold though) the creator of the show was John Callahan, apperently a former alcoholic who became QUADraplegic in an accident (he previously had another more autobiographical Adult cartoon that only aired in Canada called "Quads" ), he apparently loved self depricating Black comedy (I,e, he made jokes about disabled people dispite being disabled himself), which his adult show made much more blatant than Pelswick did it's apperently never gotten a legit DVD relese (Funimation apperently bought the rights to do one, then dropped it because the show had next to no fanbase)
  23. considering I never found a boyfriend here, impossible all the guys I flirted with either decided not to start a relationship offline because they think Maryland is Hell on earth, decided to "stop being gay" after college and deny that they ever were (and or had such a terrible break up that they decided they were done with guys for the forseeable future) or in one case chose to stop bathing so I lost intrest in them as for Sandy he claimed he got a boyfriend and hasn't spoken to me since
  24. bermping agern
  25. funny story, Free! used a similar hints......then Kyo-Ani said they were all just platonic friends where Yuri on ice differs is that it's show runners flatly state "yes Yuuri and Victor are gay" when asked by fans
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