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Order of the Owl
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Everything posted by mochi

  1. getting political are we
  3. Avatar the last airbender for one the Fire lord loses his bending but he gets to live, despite killing Jet, who was scum but was on the heroes side Katara TURNS HAMA IN TO THE FIRE NATION KNOWING THEY WILL KILL HER, despite her being the last waterbender from her tribe and the villains from Legend of Korra are similarly unequally punished to the heroic characters they killed
  4. students: is that a bikini or a cry for help me: it's a cry for help
  5. if it was food poisoning then why weren't they erupting from both ends also even food poisoning can kill you in real life XD
  6. wasabi isn't that kind of burn and he's also got mascara and a Marge Simpson pearl necklace
  7. it's "taking the high road" dialed up too much....it's like how Action cartoons in the US always let the right-wing alligned villains live even after they commit mass genocide, murdered multiple heroic characters and/or well intentioned left alligned extremeists who were kind of on the heroes side but went too blood-knight about it
  8. I mean if he Tazed him in the heart he'd be dead IRL
  9. Pizza SLUT also I had pizza for dinner tonight
  10. this kinda sucks I'm not gonna lie
  11. time for more TOM meets the wonder twins
  12. Me: says this exact thing yesterday y'all:
  13. I will be in May
  14. it is for some reason increasingly funny to me how easy it is to mimick Mignogna's voice and how easy it is to just completely disregard his existence in the anime world
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