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Order of the Owl
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Everything posted by mochi

  1. I only had 2 beers left and couldn't get more because of Freezing rain so I only drank 2 but I shotgunned 'em so for not I'm decently buzzed
  3. also reminder that whatever Argument this series or it's fandom thinks, Eren is in the right and he had no choice but to do this like how Homura in Madoka Magica had no choice but to become satan because if she didn't Kyuubei was going to do something even worse than what Madoka gave up her freedom to stop in the original Series
  4. several things most of Mappa's animes are queer this is how she always looked in the Manga it's weird that y'all anime fanboys can't fetishize her now that she's butch considering you don't have any trouble spankin' it to women you percieve as Lesbians any other time XD
  5. again, I still think FMA 2003 was the better Nazi Germany Allegory Anime since...'yknow, it didn't try to act like it's Roma and Jew Allegories brought the genocide on themselves also Roma Rose is better than White Rose and nobody can Change my mind
  6. if Blondie was trying to improve perception of the "Eldians" trapping almost all of them in a death camp was a weird way to do it
  7. last vid, Sailor Moon also had tons of gay villains
  8. also random Reminder that Luna and Artemis's child is Jimmy Neutron
  9. I'm just gonna post Sailor Moon Clips through this whole ep cause I have no other commentary
  10. wow they really called out the Repeat sequences too huh
  11. I'd rather be watching this TBH
  12. it's funny that Super's recap theme is an instrumental of Head Cha-la
  13. WE GO!
  14. oh btw if I disappear it's because of the freezing rain tonight knocking out my power
  15. I haven't made new BC art yet so here's a repeat of my favorite old pic of Asta
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