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Order of the Owl
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Everything posted by mochi

  1. also art (happy Valentines day)
  2. I mean that's a more likely explanation than that he, a heterosexual 40 something year old man just legitimately ships two fictional teenage boys
  3. wait really?....hah....I thought Toonami couldn't get the rights to Food Wars back cause of exclusivity
  4. he colored Zarbon's hair wrong................unless Toriyama retconned it recently like how he draws Trunks with blue hair and 18 with gray hair now
  5. I don't belive any of what I'm gonna say but it's funny hypothetically if I was gonna say I came from another reality, I have a good point of reference for when I left my own when I was a teenager I was TRAPPED in several dreams for what felt like weeks, every time I woke up I lived what felt like a whole day normally until I noticed things weren't quite right, like my room was bigger than it should've been, Tv shows existed that didn't or when I walked outside, it was a different neighborhood than I remembered living in, eventually I finally woke up in reality again but I just assumed I was still sleeping and just behaved like Ms. Puff so basically long story short I could still be dreaming and none of you exist XD how does this relate to the Mandela effect you ask? I DISTINCTLY remember there being a live action Clifford the big Red Dog from around the same time as Matilda from my "original reality" but no such movie exists so...any fake memories/Mandela effects you wanna share?
  6. several days ago when he posted this, people went through his following page on twitter and saw he was liking BakuDeku accounts.....one of which was explicit >_> so apparently he also Ships Bakugou and Deku
  7. he's also following a bunch of Deku X Bakugou Yaoi accounts >_>.....just throwing that out there
  8. with how kinky this series symbolism is you'd think Kishimoto would be less of a mysoginist and homophobe
  9. I'm aware, and I'm sure it would be better than normal SAO since Reki isn't actually involved
  10. yeah back when Capcom actually made games other than Street Fighter DLC packs
  11. I hope I'm incorrect but I'm concerned those increasing trashbags in her apartment might have the dead bodies of the people she erases in them
  12. it was cancelled for unknown reasons and has become lost media it was also lightly 4kids-ified
  13. .....I know you aren't supposed to but I've had to do that to my PC several times
  14. ahhhhhhhh, that's why he sounds like that
  15. he sounds like a budget Vic Mignogna
  16. this show's writing really does have FLCL vibes
  17. they aren't a boyband they're social media "Influencers" like the Paul brothers or Shane Dawson
  18. I don't like where any of this is going
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