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Order of the Owl
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Everything posted by mochi

  1. JKRowling Didn't invent Mangragoras also, fun fact, Mandrakes are supposedly born when human men cum on plants....not even fucking kidding
  2. Inb4 it turns out the White Clad are trying to restore the world and the fireforce are trying to keep it in a nearly destroyed state
  3. I mean this series seems to have hit the "the organization the heroes work for is secretly the villains" stage of Shonen series pretty fast
  4. honestly....the day some of my artwork shows up in an Anituber thumbnail I'm gonna be overjoyed
  5. him constantly calling himself Daddy gives me stroooooooong sex offender vibes
  6. basically yes but J.K.R isn't the only writer to claim a heterosexual character was secretly gay for clout XD
  7. reminds me of every gay male character in fiction writer in a post series interview" Oh BTW this character was gay :3 said character: **Only ever persued heterosexual romances in canon** gay fans:
  8. I wonder if Sonny Strait likes this little chance to reprise what is essentially his TOM voice as Korosensei yeah he used to be TOM before Steve Blum took over, and Korosensei's voice is just his TOM voice
  9. I like that Korosensei has literally been so nearly killed that he regressed to a fish-egg to restore himself and none of the kids have tried to kill him yet
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