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Order of the Owl
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Everything posted by mochi

  1. also I don't have the energy to find porn this week so @elfie an @AnimationFan14 your time to shine a combo of stress and possible illness has made me not have the urge to do art or search for it XD
  2. the firefighter Calendar was absolutely not filler edit: as for the cute comment it's when Shinra tells Obi he smiles when he's nervous so he gets up in shinra's face until Shinra smiles and then he laughs and says it's cute shinra says "Cute?, I think it's creepy"
  3. from what we've seen I don't even think ever did follow any food safety standards anywhere in this serie's world XD Sega rotates out Voice actors every few years, her contract was just up, Knuckles Blaze and Sonic's voice actors also just quit....but in Knux and Blaze's case it was because they were married, she got pregnant, and they couldn't come in to reprise their roles while she was on Maternity leave....nobody know's why Sonic's VA quit it's a form of Tofu (several actually) that have been aged like cheese to make them smell absolutely horrific, but have a stronger taste
  4. he just cut out Anti's eye with a freaking Pizza cutter
  5. Akane experiencing what every shonen and shojou villain minion experiences, one too many failures and the villain under you gets promoted at your expense
  6. Alexis's voice is getting increasingly more like an impression of Tim Curry
  7. to be fair she is too she's just a piece of shit
  8. it seems like everyone in this series is kinda assholes
  9. seriously why the fuck are they questioning anything Yuuta is saying here?
  10. Vanessa in Alcoholics Anonymous all of a sudden
  11. Elvira: Blushes and acts Tsundere at Vanessa Me:
  12. ..........why did her illusion look like a Hologram?
  13. random reminder we aren't getting more AOT next week so Toonami's gonna have to come up with something else god I hope they don't rerun Geemusetto
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