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Order of the Owl
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Everything posted by mochi

  1. I thought they discontinued FAF because of the Stolen Nami picture?
  2. I mean I do, which is why I don't post my art here anymore period(even when it's of 18+ characters which it usually is since 99% of what I draw is the guys from DBZ who are in their 40's canonically), I just think it's fair to joke about it since a lot of the female characters anime fans draw similar art (or are depicted in series) of are also underage like Tamaki from Fire Force, all the girls from MHA ect. I also had several people tell me Krillin was "underage" because he was too short....he's 46 (and I even go out of my way to draw him taller than he is in Canon)
  3. from what I saw he's actually having them burn old WB documents from the 50's rather than write off more stuff
  4. I would but It's on my other PC and I don't feel like booting it up XD
  5. Luffy smells nice?.........interesting to know
  6. I technically remade the infamous Luffy pic and got the mods approval that it was safe for the boards....but I still won't bother y'all with it
  7. Y'all get to say things like that but I say or do anything too gay I get run off the site for a year
  8. sea prism stone is Devil Fruit Kryptonite
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