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Order of the Owl
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Everything posted by mochi

  1. I.........don't actually have any........huh:|....I thought I liked webcomics
  2. that among all the other stuff I'm worried about, that I'm also worried that TV is gonna become massively Homophobic and racist along with the rest of our country once Trump is sworn into Office?, I.e. that all the show's with Gay characters are gonna be cancelled or Kill off their Gay characters
  3. , no, they don't
  4. Imagining you using one of those exercise machines that jiggles your butt
  5. Crushing those Pumpkins
  6. weird, their breasts actually look like the person that drew them knows how human breasts work...one of them even has low-hanging boobs
  7. I used to buy those sometimes.....then I figured out how to make them myself just make a packet of Black Cherry Kool-aid into a syrup (one packet of Kool-aid, one cup of sugar and one cup of water) add Vanilla extract to the syrup, and mix it with Seltzer and viola
  8. mochi


    I hear they finally let Vegeta be awesome too, so there's that
  9. the fact that fascination/attraction to female Breasts only exists in modernized and/or westernized cultures kind of contradicts that theory personally I'm more of an ass man, but a guys pecs can be fun to play with too....also I have very sensitive nipples so personally mine are a very big erogenous zone for me
  10. I'm probably not gonna watch this cause A, I'm tired and need a bath, and B, we've established I find this show homophobic, so night y'all
  11. Ehrmagerd Mah Fravrit Ghibli Mervie
  12. oh god Ace, leave Ace alone you piece of shit
  13. Tangerine juice I guess
  14. I just ate some Bread and Butter Pickles It's been such a long time since I had them cause everyone else in my family preffers Dills....god I missed them also nice shot of the Sunny
  15. I guess....but doesn't he only Drink Cola? speaking of which he must not have kidneys cause Cola DESTROYS your Kidneys....I should know
  16. Shinji isn't a rapist though..........well.........not at first
  18. and this is why we love you Robin You ain't gon sit around and let Sanji molest you
  19. Kinda thing you'll never get to see in DBZ since everyone but Goku is weak and Pathetic
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