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Order of the Owl
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Everything posted by mochi

  1. "what in the blue hell" that's a funny way to say "what in blue blazes"
  2. I like Hummus I also like Falafel and Turkish Delight
  3. also I recall us getting the full (or at least as full as this show's version is) version of Roundabout every weekend has it been cut down yet? (I mean the full song is like 8 minuets the show's version is about 1 minuet)
  4. does the WRRRYYYYYYY actually happen in this anime?
  5. that was Luci Christian screaming
  6. Magical Sparkly healing powers
  7. Pendleton?.......**sings the theme of Adventure time**
  8. time for a Campier version of fist of the north star
  9. if you honestly believe that then I'm done talking to you
  10. it could be and even if it's not It would be a disaster to people like me, think less about it affecting you specifically and that innocent people could get rounded up and sent to internment camps or executed for being Gay, Mexican, Muslim or anything else non-straight and white
  11. it's not so much him I'm worried about as it is his voters the KKK is becoming vocal and open again and at least one Anti-Trump protester was killed already also magical girl ending
  12. that woman looks like a nintendo 64 npc
  13. to be fair everyone's facial expressions in this show tend to be kind of static
  14. considering I now have to live in literal CONSTANT TERROR, yes, still from Tuesday, I may never recover
  15. what I wanna know is.....seeing as how Cell is technically an "Organic" Android....why are his offspring exploding?
  16. she really doesn't grasp the fact that she lives in a superhero world
  17. I had homemade cheeseburgers for dinner tonight but my stomach was so nervous I couldn't finish them
  18. Trunks voice still bothers me, it sounds exactly like Robin from Teen Titans Go!
  19. damn, beheaded that cell jr. with one chop
  20. and another Powergasm
  21. I've slept but I've been so depressed and stressed that I don't FEEL like I've slept
  22. I won't press the issue, I'm already finished my first beer
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