that was beautiful
it was much better then I ever expected to see on Toonami
kinda like when I caved and watched Princess Arete on netflix right before it got taken down
I think Italy Also made new dolls and had an artist make new promo art (much of Viz's box art being his work as well)
he apperently just drew some art of "Princess Sailor Moon" from the live action Sailor moon sentai show
well at least some good stuff happened this year
evidently semi-on topic but I thought Asuna's voice sounded familiar, it's Hilary Haag, she's essentially a sound-alike of both Lisa Ortiz and Luci Christian('s little girl voice)
wait?........I missed a movie?.....shit, Toonami said they were never showing movies again
nvm I can watch it in on demand.....**sigh** sucks I couldn't watch it with you guys
I recall hearing that CWCLV is up for Oscar won't win of course cause it wasn't made by old white men but still
fair enough, it's just that a lot of the Trump voters (and even a few of the ones like you who don't like Trump but also disliked Hilary) on the ASMB seemed to specifically have it out for me(and anyone else in my minority)so I just wanted to be cautious
you aren't a Trump supporter are you cause someone was just telling me you are...........and if you are I'm genuinely surprised you aren't trolling me or telling me to off myself
Luuv hasn't banned him on this site yet, he keeps replying to me in the Toonami folders acting like we're cool
edit: he says he didn't vote trump....he just didn't vote
which....franly neither did Roguealphonse so I'm giving this Ben a free pass....for now
I'm glad to be back........I have beer.......I'm slightly afraid to drink though considering I....will more than likely get really upset if I drink too much