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Order of the Owl
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Everything posted by mochi

  1. it's kind of nice to hear I was missed....I assumed you'd all just forget about me and move on frankly I almost didn't come back here until Pooh told me people were worried about me
  2. no but I did....once own One Piece Unlimited Adventure for the Wii..........I think I lost it in the Eviction do I probably don't anymore...sucks cause it's actually a rare game due to it not selling well in the states
  3. **roundabout plays**
  4. **Gaaaasp** HINATA! <3
  5. did Karin Seriously say "AS IF" like a 1980's valley girl?
  6. his voice is annoying, it's like a cross between Spongebob and Robin Williams
  7. Kiba's voice is sexy too
  8. aw, no Music video guess the return of Movies did away with the Apology Music video
  9. suigetsu has a sexy voice....pretty much the only positive thing I have to say about him and I CAN'T STAND Karin
  10. that's what pretty much all of us want to say to Karin, she's THE worst character in this show
  11. well long story short all of 4kids voice actors moved to LA and are now Viz voice actors
  12. Oh god Karin no, someone Kill her!
  13. wow either I'm drunker than I though or I'm really disinterested in this show cause I did not even notice that it started
  14. I preffer this to the hardcore ending we had been getting
  15. I know I'm, kinda nerding out but does really nobody else care that that announcer is voiced by Misty from Pokemon?
  16. that looks Delicious
  17. still bothers me that they didn't cast Racheal Lillis as Sailor Uranus considering she voiced Utena...a character deliberately based on Sailor Uranus and also because I genuinely Dislike Erica Mendez's voice....dunno why
  18. Yep that's Misty
  19. I think that Referee is voiced by Racheal Lillis too she sounds like Misty
  20. Original Character sorry Tumblr speak is starting to invade my everyday speech I developed an Idea for a comic that was basically inspired by DBZ, One Piece, Kirby and Pokemon but with Gay characters, one of the characters has the same face as that Karate kid...which was not intentional I've since shelved it cause no matter how many times I redrew it I was never happy with it
  21. that's kind of a thing with Togashi just like romantic two girl friendships with his wife Naoko Takeuchi....and in once case an ACTUAL Lesbian romance
  22. he looks like an OC of mine...except that my OC wears non Karate clothes and has a baseball cap same face though anime artstyle is hard to make characters look unique in
  23. also I saw a character in that OP that I know from research
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