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Everything posted by EyeOfPain

  1. I must be going crazy, or deaf. I could have sworn Konatsu was played by Miyuki Sawashiro.
  2. Yep, they even had a panel at Youmacon.
  3. Just spent more than I planned to: - Blood Blockade Battlefront - Empire of Corpses - Evangelion 3.33 BD - Kill la Kill BD 1-5 - Noein LE - Princess and the Pilot SE BD - Yona of the Dawn Pt.1-2
  4. Makes (homophobic) sense... Dear Brother... 20-26 Yuri!!! on Ice 8 Girlish Number 7
  5. I didn't end up watching any more of Izetta, FYI.
  6. Mewn[/member] That would be incredible if true. But it feels like that's too much of a stretch, given what we've seen in the control room. Too much just doesn't feel like it would line up for that to be the case.
  7. A lot of characters have problems with the 'rents, now that I think about it. - Zack with Eph - Quinlan with The Master - Gus with his mom - The Master with the Ancients
  8. Twin Star Exorcists 4-5 Kaiju Girls 9 Ninja Girl & Samurai Master 8 Scorching Ping Pong Girls 8 Twin Star certainly had less bickering in those episodes. I should watch Izetta, but it has been so disappointing since 4.
  9. Quinlan can get stuff done, but he's got daddy issues, too.
  10. Regalia 11-12 Flip Flappers 7 Sound Euphonium 2 4* March Comes in like a Lion 5** Magical Girl Raising Project 6 * - That arc took forever. ** - There was too much bullshit in those first four episodes, and I like the sisters, especially Akari.
  11. Keijo!!!!!!!! 5-7 Jojo DiU 34 Kannagi 1
  12. Flip Flappers 5-6 Drifters 7 Brave Witches 4 Natsume Yuujincho Go 3
  13. I want to know what kind of story Dolores writes for herself. It would be interesting if she decides to become a "villain" after everything she's learned.
  14. You know, I wasn't sure if they changed the actor, or if he just went through a growth spurt. But I've been hating him since last season, and he's gotten more infuriating all year. At least Gus can do what needs to be done.
  15. That might be too squat, since where I current keep my PC is the side of my desk with limited width. I'm not sure I want that much ventilation, anyway, since my apartment tends to be dusty, and I haven't bothered blowing it out for a while. Probably part of the reason I recently lost a gig of RAM. It's like one of those horror stories you hear about people taking computers into repair shops, and brings me much shame. Really, I'm just making excuses to not spend money.
  16. Visuals seem fine, but the story, based on what was said in the trailer, sounds like generic Hollywood crap. Hopefully, that's just the marketing team being bad.
  17. The friend who introduced me to the series has Auri's book, but refuses to read it until the 3rd book is released. I would like to see how his story concludes, but haven't reread them since the second first came out. I think I borrowed the first book, and got the second as an eBook.
  18. Yeah, this may have been the weakest season yet, just because of all the bullshit that's been going on in 2016. I saw him perform at my university one year. One of the greatest stand-up acts I've seen. He tried to relate to the area, kinda screwed it up, and still totally owned it. This bit is a reference to that trip: http://www.cc.com/video-clips/q81jch/john-oliver-s-new-york-stand-up-show-the-upper-peninsula
  19. Season 3 of The Strain on FX just recently completed, and the fourth and final season has already been confirmed. I really liked the fact that the show treated the pseudo-vampirism of Strigoi as a disease at the start (and sorta still does), but it feels far different than it did in season one.
  20. Started and caught up earlier this year during content droughts for anime and Destiny. Thought it was well worth my time, and am looking forward to the last two seasons.
  21. Anyone else watching Westworld on HBO? That last episode was wild, but I can't say it caught me completely by surprise.
  22. I've been considering a new general purpose build, but don't feel like getting a full-sized tower. I've let my current PC go too long without proper maintenance, and should probably just move back to Windows for the sake of sanity.
  23. I wouldn't be surprised if Daisuki doesn't even have one native English speaker on staff.
  24. As long as there's one performance with Miyuki Sawashiro doing sultry Rakugo, I will be satisfied.
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