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Everything posted by EyeOfPain

  1. Maybe it'll be early 2018?
  2. Probably not really spoilers from the original novels, but spoilered just in case: Scorching Ping Pong Girls 10 March Comes in like a Lion 8 Brave Witches 7-8 Izetta 8
  3. But who was he building down there?!
  4. Maybe if he had ended it/put it on hiatus there, and taken on a less strenuous job/project, his health may not have deteriorated to the point where he was forced to quit like he did.
  5. 3? I only tracked 2, unless there's something hidden I didn't notice. Also, great finale, but I still feel like there were some questions left unanswered.
  6. Yona of the Dawn 1-18(-ish) (dub rewatch) Jojo DiU 36 Drifters 9 Magical Girl Raising Project 10 Keijo!!!!!!!! 9 Flip Flappers 9 Westworld 10
  7. What about Honey & Clover?
  8. Kill la Kill 1-4 God, why did I wait so long to buy this? Oh, right...
  9. It's not so much that it's depressing, but just leaves off at a less than satisfying point. Also, various reasons.
  10. This stuff showed up. All BDs, so only my BD shelves got a change. 12/8 Update - Gifts from firends: - The Perfect Insider Complete Collection BD - From the New World Complete Collection BD I forgot that Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 BD also showed up yesterday.
  11. I would say just go straight to The Second Raid, for various reasons. Fumoffu! is funny, but totally inconsequential fluff, and might better serve after the ending for TSR.
  12. Kaiju Girls 10 Ninja Girl & Samurai Master 9 Yuri!!! on Ice 9 Girlish Number 9 Sound! Euphonium 2 9
  13. Tales of Zestiria Wait, that's a video game.
  14. EyeOfPain

    Final Fantasy XV

    Is that including the installation time?
  15. A number of the episodes are OP-less in Japanese, likely due to time constraints. You can always just listen to the song on the band's YT page.
  16. Wha...?!
  17. Scorching Ping Pong Girls 9 I still love this show... to death.
  18. March Comes in Like a Lion 6-7 Izetta 7 Brave Witches 6 Magical Girl Raising Project 9 Creamy Mami 18-21 Fav is a dick.
  19. Sound! Euphonium 2 5-8
  20. Just read your spoilers and finished the episode. I agree with your assessment for the most part. I liked it, I just didn't really like it.
  21. I thought this might be over already, but no one talks about it...
  22. Creamy Mami 15-17 Jojo DiU 35 Lupin III Pt4 6 Magical Girl Raising Project 7-8 Drifters 8
  23. I am very disappointed in myself.
  24. I haven't bought any video games today, just anime. I did pick up Attack on Titan and Atelier Sophie from Amazon's pre-Black Friday sale.
  25. XBL: TakenIdiot PSN: ishikusui Not really on anything else, but haven't been playing much of anything lately, either.
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