Probably not really spoilers from the original novels, but spoilered just in case:
Scorching Ping Pong Girls 10
March Comes in like a Lion 8
Brave Witches 7-8
Izetta 8
Maybe if he had ended it/put it on hiatus there, and taken on a less strenuous job/project, his health may not have deteriorated to the point where he was forced to quit like he did.
3? I only tracked 2, unless there's something hidden I didn't notice.
Also, great finale, but I still feel like there were some questions left unanswered.
This stuff showed up. All BDs, so only my BD shelves got a change.
12/8 Update - Gifts from firends:
- The Perfect Insider Complete Collection BD
- From the New World Complete Collection BD
I forgot that Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 BD also showed up yesterday.
I would say just go straight to The Second Raid, for various reasons. Fumoffu! is funny, but totally inconsequential fluff, and might better serve after the ending for TSR.