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Everything posted by EyeOfPain

  1. People really should have been referring to it as "Yuuri!!! on Ice" and maybe there wouldn't have been as much confusion.
  2. That was about the stupid girl who likes bananas, right? I wonder why I stopped following that.
  3. I'm looking forward to the second season, since it will surely have more Konatsu.
  4. You may be thinking of Akira. I don't care about the "whitewashing" but the story presented in the trailer sounds pretty lame. And not confusing lame, but just generic, boring Hollywood schlock.
  5. They say they're going to dub stuff, but it seems like half the time, those claims turn into vaporware.
  6. Oh, that sounds vaguely familiar now that you mention it.
  7. I'd pretty much gathered what might have happened from Twitter, and decided it was the time to catch up.
  8. Yuri!!! on Ice 5-7 Kaiju Girls 8 Ninja Girl & Samurai Master 7 March comes in like a Lion 4 Girlish Number 6 Nanoha A's 11 Has no one told mochi about YoI 7 yet?
  9. Will Itsuki or Fu be in this? I thought it was a prequel showing Togo's team.
  10. They are still alive. Apparently, they will be dubbing and releasing My Wife is the Student Council President.
  11. So both movies will be compilations? I was hoping one would retell the series, and the second might have new content.
  12. Didn't they give him something like a year to wrap things up, and he was still meandering for most of that time? He may have ideas, but I doubt he knew how to implement them in a story.
  13. Jojo DiU 31-33 Izetta 5 Mahoiku 5 Nanoha A's 10
  14. Looking back on the first couple episodes, it kinda makes sense. Both leads are kinda terrible to each other. Scorching Ping Pong Girls 7 Yuri!!! on Ice 4 Flip Flappers 4 Nanoha A's 8-9
  15. Wait, Twin Star is from the same author? I did not get that impression at all.
  16. Don't microwave it with the wrapper on. I've made that mistake before.
  17. Goodnight Punpun v3 Before that, I read A Girl on the Shore. Yeah, definitely Asano's most sexual work I've read so far.
  18. Instead of catching up on the current season, or getting through my backlog, I rewatched Good Luck Girl (Binbogami ga!) ant that is still a good show. Definitely fits in the same place as Gintama. I also started rewatching Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha, because it's been a number of years.
  19. These are the things I'm watching: -Girlish Number -Drifters -Ninja Girl & Samurai Master -Kaijuu Girls: Ultra Kaijuu Gijinka Keikaku -Scorching Ping Pong Girls -Regalia: The Three Sacred Stars -Sound! Euphonium 2 -Brave Witches -Magical Girl Raising Project -March Comes in Like a Lion -Izetta: The Last Witch -JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond Is Unbreakable -Keijo!!!!!!!! -Flip Flappers -Yuri!!! on Ice -Natsume's Book of Friends Five
  20. You can't make me post. ...shit.
  21. This show is just what I should have expected from Hirano. Plus, the OP is by an American band:
  22. I haven't watched anything past episode 4 yet. That one was rather disappointing, given how much I liked the first 3.
  23. Narratively, this didn't really go anywhere, but was still a nice film.
  24. Guess what: https://twitter.com/discotekmedia/status/793303621815328768
  25. I still don't understand this.
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