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About Greeny

  • Birthday May 9

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  1. Ok, this is a fire hazard.
  2. Who knew Wild Arms 5 was so good? I'm now trying to decide what to play next. It's between Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter, Shining Tears or Digital Devil Saga.
  3. Just finished Wild Arms 4 and have started 5. You can tell 4 had no budget whatsoever but 5 seems pretty dang good so far.
  4. It's Thanksgiving when I say it is.
  5. Tears of the Kingdom. And Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth. And Castlevania: Circle of the Moon. And Baldur's Gate 3. I need to get a life.
  6. I really liked the piano minigame. I'll never get a perfect score on the more difficult pieces but I had a lot of fun trying.
  7. "Lavitz" only run.
  8. Guillotines. That's all I'm saying.
  9. I haven't slept past 8 AM since 1992.
  10. Xena - PS2
  11. Just connected my PC to my shitty little 20 inch CRT and I'm kind of amazed that it looks this decent. It feels like 1997 all over again.
  12. Once I finish Lunar 2 I'm going to start the Shining Force games.
  13. I'm saving my fucks for a rainy day.
  14. That's why I mostly switched to PC. You can play almost everything and the list grows every day. Not to mention rom hacks and fan translations of foreign games. You can bet your ass my PC has a blu-ray drive in it though. I play my PS2 discs in 4k and it's sick. Most games upscale surprisingly well.
  15. Depends on how big your library is I suppose. And if you're not against emulation there are plenty of other ways to play PSP games. I understand wanting to use original hardware though. That's why I went through all the trouble of getting this back to working condition to begin with.
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