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Le Guignon

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Everything posted by Le Guignon

  1. Depends on the calorie content tbh
  2. Why are you so awful?
  3. I hate Joel Osteen with an intensity words cannot properly express.
  4. What the actual fuck...
  5. Can't imagine driving stoned. Taking the bus stoned is scary enough because I always miss my stop by spacing out. It took me a good ten minutes to dig through my laundry basket and find my pajama pants because I kept giving up and fucking around with spotify after each halfhearted rummage.
  6. I don't really do acid anymore. Mushrooms though...
  7. That's not how any of this works.
  8. I gave up and decided to watch that Freaky Fred episode of Courage the Cowardly Dog instead.
  9. I decided to pick up reading where I left off like a month and a half ago. I've read the same three pages of Steppenwolf like five times and I still have no idea what the fuck is going on.
  10. I was just joking, but that was pretty mean. I'm sorry dude.
  11. We can only hope...
  12. That just looks like a fantasy paperback novel cover from the 80's.
  13. My larger blood veins protrude noticably when I'm really warm or I've been physically active. Like those grody muscley body builder guys sort of. Looking at it squicks me out if I look too much.
  14. They didn't have it and I'm sad now. I ended up with French Toast Crunch.
  15. I'm going to see if I can find some at the store tomorrow. I find the idea of it mildly repulsive but I think my continuing curiosity over trying it has finally won. I've been debating about it for like half a year now.
  16. I bought a Sour Patch Kids ice cream bar at 711 a few hours ago. It was delicious. I highly suggest it.
  17. Happy Birthday!!! 🍕🌮🎉🎊🎂🎈
  18. I go outside for lunch so I can take my mask off for a bit. It doesn't seem to matter where I hide, a smoker always seems to find me and lights up right next to me. I quit smoking a few months ago so it's incredibly irritating. I've moved probably four times in 45 minutes.
  19. There are shoddily designed apps and sites for it. I know because I've looked, sadly enough. I have irl friends. I just want better ones and ones that are cool ladies. There needs to be a friendr for real though.
  20. I've been saying for years the US needs maid and catgirl cafes. Also those host clubs where it's ladies in tuxedos.
  21. Thank
  22. No thanks.
  23. Saaaame.
  24. Ooops.
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