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Everything posted by enad

  1. Step 4: ??? Step 5: (not my) Profit
  2. I would have thought you'd have better manners.
  3. Actual Childbirth
  4. You are what you queef.
  5. If a woman in labor also has to take a shit and she's pushing between contractions does she also end up shitting on the baby? And if so are you imprinting a fetish?
  6. Just talk about it?
  7. Yea I saw that. Naturally their one good adaptation enjoyed by both critics and fans gets the axe. I made the right call in stealing the DC shit.
  8. Will you do a video review?
  9. Talk about it in a video review of Sponges' fanfics.
  10. Fun story, more people died as a side effect of Nevada nuke testing than were purposely killed at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. https://www.google.com/amp/s/qz.com/1163140/us-nuclear-tests-killed-american-civilians-on-a-scale-comparable-to-hiroshima-and-nagasaki/amp/
  11. Well there's something I can't enjoy anymore.
  12. Which part of it?
  13. I think you're lying ghostrek. https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/godzilla_king_of_the_monsters_2019/
  14. To keep up with the theme of impending marriage I wouldn't notice if you never came back.
  15. What negativity? This thread has been a revolting affirmationfest thus far. @Cancer I hope the inevitable divorce doesn't hit too hard and you retain custody of the kids even though they'll hate you.
  16. Good show so far. Grosser and scarier than I anticipated.
  17. Still you have to admit Starfleet admirals love trying to enslave people.
  18. Another frequent quality of successful Starfleet admirals.
  19. But Picard is not the same as Kirk. Maybe he enjoys doing war crimes?
  20. I love this comic. One of my favorite ever. https://www.popmatters.com/130596-what-if-superman-was-hopelessly-insane-mark-waids-irredeemable-2496143102.html
  21. Why would he follow Kirk's advice?
  22. @ghostrek
  23. Like all rich guys above the law, spending all night with only one teenage boy isn't nearly enough for Batman.
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