Not college. I work in health insurance. I’m like the forgotten black sheep of the health care industry until you actually have an issue going on and want medical coverage.
What fun things have you been doing?
New recipes? Bored spending on Amazon? Cleaned your house from top to bottom?
Save me. Please. I need an adult to move in with me. Must like dogs and tolerate children.
Oh yea, it makes it a lot harder. I still get my work done but while I’m in meetings I have to keep muting my phone. I’m pretty sure all kids have tapeworms too. There should be no reason that I feed her and literally as she walks away from the table tells me she is hungry. 😐🙏🏻
Truth. Can I be honest though? I hate working from home. Especially with my child at home and not in school. 😐 Lord help me. This single working parent shit is for the birds.
And before anyone comments on that, it wasn’t by choice to be a single parent. He passed away.
I’m still working. They moved the whole company to work from home, including our new hire class that started last week. This has been insane. But I’m just glad I can still pay my bills.
I had a ton going in the past month. Bought a house, have been fixing it up, went on vacation to Disney, work has also been drowning me. I’ll do better next year 😳 life just moved in hard on me this year. @scoobdog