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Everything posted by Ginguy

  1. Scores updated and picks are up. Remember there is a shame game at 9:30 Sunday morning. Also, someone make sure there is a crash cart at Pooh's place, the Jets might go back to back wins.... 😆
  2. Week 5 - Stayin Alive Thursday Rams v Seahawks Sunday 9:30 am Jets v Falcons Sunday 1:00 pm Patriots v Texans Lions v Vikings Eagles v Panthers Saints v Washington Titans v Jaguars Dolphins v Buccaneers Packers v bengals Broncos v steelers Sunday 4:05 Bears v Raiders Browns v Chargers Giants v Cowboys 49ers v Cardinals Sunday 8:20 Bills v Chiefs Monday Colts v Ravens
  3. Brady might be the greatest troll in the NFL. Lions, smh Honestly at this point it might be a tie between Jacksonville and the Lions for the LOL, oh and the Giants, they shit out loud too. Oh, important notice for Pick Em game players, there will be an early Sunday game this week in London. The LOL bowl will be played between Atlanta and the Jets, as the NFL tries to woo an audience across the pond. Goodell sucks.
  4. I was just here to make sure Pooh didn't have a heart attack. Carry on 😆
  5. Watch the USD become worthless overnight, good plan.
  6. Get wo Yeah, you know the rest. Trallin aside, the lack of a lead to generate a substantial casual audience is probably a big factor. Sporting events are also a seasonal drag on ratings. I doubt Toonami is in much immediate danger, considering the money spent on original programming, they have to at least try to recoup that investment, and streaming alone won't do that.
  7. Scores are updated and picks are up. There are gonna be a couple of good games, raiders and chargers and Cardinals and Rams are going to be great. How can the Bears be favored? Someone must be drunk or they are just randomly pulling names and margins out of a hat.
  8. Week 4 - Eh, no rhyme, its my birthdaay and I'm drinkin gin Thursday - Jaguars v Bengals Sunday Titans v Jets Lions v Bears Colts v Dolphins Browns v Vikings Washington v Falcon Texans v Bills Giants v Saints Chiefs v Eagles Panthers v Cowboys Seahawks v 49ers Cardinals v Rams Steelers v Packers Ravens v Broncos Buccaneers v PAtriots Monday Raiders v Chargers
  9. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/exclusive-fbi-finds-scant-evidence-us-capitol-attack-was-coordinated-sources-2021-08-20/ "The FBI has found scant evidence that the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol was the result of an organized plot to overturn the presidential election result, according to four current and former law enforcement officials." ....
  10. Probably not much in terms of profit. I'm surprised San Diego didn't build a new stadium, but they might well have been broke. Going into a market to be number 3, even in a large scale market, doesn't seem like a long term winner. The Rams always wanted to move back to LA. The new stadium was an incentive to be sure, but the desire was there. St. Louis would have probably offered a new stadium to attract an NFL team, the Chargers were in the drivers seat but chose to be a number 3 instead of a number 1 draw. The fan base in St. Louis is consistent, they would have welcomed the team, given them a new stadium and had good attendance numbers. It would have been equal to what the Chargers get in LA as a number 3, but the team would have its own facility in essence. The Blues would have likely gotten in on the action as well, or possibly even the Cardinals. The incentive was there for the Chargers to make a move.
  11. Oh, forgot to mention, svores updated and week 3 picks are up. Chargers would have gotten a new stadium with a move to St. Louis.
  12. Glad to hear it is making money. These kinds of epic films really should be done all at once, for continuity sake if nothing else. The issue however is cost, WB probably didn't have the money to cover the cost of such an expansive project.
  13. I'm surprised the Chargers didn't move to St. Louis. Honestly they never should have left San Diego, but if they had to move, why L.A.?
  14. Week 3 - Giggity? Thursday Panthers v Texans Sunday Chargers v Chiefs Cardinals v Jaguars Bears v Browns Washington v Bills Colts v Titans Saints v Patriots Falcons v Giants Bengals v Steelers Ravens v Lions Jets v Broncos Dolphins v Raiders Buccaneers v Rams Seahawks v Vikings Packers v 49ers Monday Eagles v Cowboys
  15. It's one of those multi-part films, so be prepared if the second part never quite gets made. Hopefully it has already been filmed and won't suffer the fate of Alita.
  16. We lost Wentz and don't have a backup. Feels bad man.
  17. The LA movie might be interesting. Netflix has just decided to own the market, it is a matter of budget. AT&T doesn't consider the niche market to be worth fighting over, when they can spend their resources competing in more mainstream markets.
  18. In b4 Netflix grabs Witch from Mercury.
  19. Sorry, no changing LOL or GOAT picks or else everyone will be in week 16 changing the LOL to Jets/Jags. Also, the Jets might just pull off a victory this week.
  20. Seems more like a General decided to violate article 91 of the UCMJ....
  21. This happens every year. The programs will recover slightly and stabilize around the 0.12-0.14 range, slightly higher if the weekend college games are trash.
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