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Everything posted by moose

  1. Niiice. Guess they don't give a damn about potential spoilers after all lol
  2. I told you. I told you. I told you America is full of edge-lord dummies. -__- Tokyo Ghoul sucks and of course it's the one that wins. #SmhMurica
  3. https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2016-12-09/mob-psycho-100-english-dub-stars-kyle-mccarley-chris-niosi/.109721 Guess getting the two Dragonball series took precedence over Mob for Toonami. ....yaaa...aaaaa...ay. :-/
  4. Looks like it. A few theaters I've tried out seem to be sold out on certain days already, so it might be happening. Keep in mind this is still a limited release with one showing per day so that could easily happen. The list of theaters, though, is pretty good for this kind of release. That should be telling. Jman, in all seriousness, I really think you sell OP short solely due to it's performance on Toonami. Which in the end, isn't even all that bad if you factor in how retention usually works on the block.
  5. New 30 sec trailer, which looks like could be a tv spot. Maybe Adult Swim will air it. :-)
  6. http://www.funimationfilms.com/movie/onepiecegold/ FUNi finally added a theater locator to the U.S Film Gold website so now it's easy to find a theater showing near you. And I gotta say, I'm pleasantly surprised by how many theaters are actually showing this. I thought it would be hard to find a showing, but I've found at least 4 theaters no further away from me than 25 mins. Two are even 10 mins away. Pretty cool.
  7. I'm hoping they do some type of advertising for One Piece Film Gold (even though the film takes place wayyyyyyyy further in the storyline than where Toonami is at right now) like with what they did with DBZ Battle of Gods and Ressurection 'F'.
  8. So basically.... DBZ on toonami.
  9. Um. Yes. Yes I am. I've seen all the episodes aired so far. The Goku Black arc has some energy sword impaling that is probably the most problematic content, but since there's no blood it should hardly pose a problem. It can run fully uncut on a TV-PG rating. If they want to try for a TV-Y7, only a few scenes could be altered or edited, but when I mean few I mean truly a few. Almost none. Minuscule. It certainly would not be "butchered". Go watch the series again and then come at me - Dragonball Super is surprisingly clean and kid-friendly WITHOUT any edits.
  10. Yeah, just one Super thread would be enough.
  11. Super coming was predictable, but looks like they also scored Buu Kai as well. That should keep ratings afloat. A shame it still takes Dragonball and Dragonball only to accomplish that. Le'sigh.... oh well.
  12. It's either people only care for DBZ... Or people are not caring for JoJo. Not sure which it is...
  13. Oh sorry. That was to you, about the new One Piece movie.
  14. Yes there's a pretty big spoiler that you wouldnt even notice is a spoiler until later on, but it's still a big one.
  15. It's much more than that. For instance FUNi is releasing the latest film in theaters. Limited theaters, yes, but they wouldn't even be attempting that if "no one cared". Yes, OP isn't as big as DBZ or even Naruto. Buts it's still pretty popular.
  16. Lmao what was the point of airing 5 secs of the opening when they didnt even show the show title.
  17. Well to be fair...Killua is pretty cocky like Sasuke but he was never the anti-social fuck-tard that Sasuke is. He always seemed to get along with Gon... unlike Sasuke with Naruto. That's the difference.
  18. That's exactly why we think Super is coming. The hype. It's hot right now. It'd be smart for them to pick it up while the mantle for it is hot. That is of course if no other venue goes for it, which is of course possible since it's Dragonball. But still, lol.... I dunno why you're so stuck on Buu saga Kai. At this point, I'd sooner expect Super. Especially since we see it's already being dubbed. Meanwhile we haven't heard anything about Buu-Kai in years. Don't see the logic in expecting Buu to still come other than it comig after Cell story-wise. I'd honestly be surprised if we see BUU next year and not Super.
  19. Super is pretty much almost exactly like that rating all throughout. Toei made it as bloodless as possible. It's kinda funny, because it airs right before One Piece (in japan) which still contains blood.
  20. Yeah, I'm failing to see the problem, as well. Those two clips look just fine. I've seen when Super gets ugly, but just the same, I've seen when Dragonball, DBZ and DBGT get ugly as well. This isn't exclusive to Super. Me thinks nostalgia is clouding judgements again. That, or we have old 90's grainy footage-fanboys up in this place, yo.
  21. Turns out the previous trailer was just the teaser. Here's the actual 2 minute trailer containing quite a hefty amount of the new dub -- Tesoro is voiced by the same guy who voices Hisoka from Hunter X Hunter's dub. Also, tickets seem to already be on sale if you check Fandango. I've already got 3 theaters near me showing the film and apparently there will be more coming up as well, so it looks like FUNi managed to get quite a good amount of theaters to show the film.... for a limited release, anyway. Good news. Here's a link that shows the current list of showings, which is still being updated so they will have more in the upcoming days -- http://onepiecepodcast.com/2016/11/29/one-piece-film-gold-north-american-release-dates-locations/ Also, this is a thing -- http://www.funimation.com/blog/2016/12/01/win-a-trip-to-otakon-vegas/
  22. OPM is really really really popular in the west. In Japan....... it's still really really popular, there's just a few series that are more popular. SDS I believe even beat One Piece last year at the half-way mark of 2015. People love them some SDS in Japan. It's a shame FT is the more popular of the two in the west, SDS is so much better.
  23. Probably. It's more generic than either, which is what the casuals like. Buuuut, we have enough shonens. Although I wouldn't mind Shippuden getting the boot for FT. HxH and One Piece I still enjoy tho, so I'd rather those stay.
  24. Of course he wont be too happy that it beat OPM. Lol ;D
  25. By just a hair, but yeah. Jman should be happy about that,
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