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Everything posted by moose

  1. The One Piece dub often brings in more notable voice actors for its movies. Like Strong World has Scott McNeil play Shiki, even though he hasn't done an anime role in years. Keith Silverstine is playing Tesoro even though he's never done a FUNi dub. The character Vic is playing is a lil more recurring (although he's still a ways off to appear on the actual series from where the FUNi dub is currently at) but I suppose he's still appears infrequently enough for Vic to afford playing him.
  2. That's a retarded theory and you know it. Maybe just maybe OP is doing fine because you don't need groundbreaking ratings at 2 :30 and it performs well-enough there.
  3. He's said something similar to that once which you continue to take outta context. And again, no show on the current AS Toonami has been cancelled. So this whole "OP gets special treatment compared to the other shows" is non-sensical. They don't cancel anything. I mean IBO preformed meh, and they still bought another Gundam series.
  4. I dont see the logic off your concern for HxH or JoJo. If they won't cancel OP, then they won't cancel the other shows. So in other words - none of the shows are doing bad enough, thus no cancellation. Thats pretty simple to understand. OP isn't getting special treatment. There;s no grounds to say that it sticking around is proof for that, because they never really cancel ANY shows anymore. I dunno if you haven't noticed, but you don't really need big ratings to stay on a after-hours anime block airing on Saturdays.
  5. JoJo's not catching on because it looks and feel different from the usual anime and is very campy. All in all - it's an odd (albeit awesome) show. And Americans either like DBZ, action packed shows with cutting edge looking characters... or edgelord crap.
  6. A few things -- First off, the art wasn't fixed persay for the dub release, rather, it was fixed for the Japanese blu-ray releases and that's simply the version FUNi is using for their dub (which is what they usually do, besides their broadcast dubs) Second - While Super has a good deal more silly antics than DBZ (and toned down content as well) I wouldn't say it's more focused on comedy. It's rather half-half (comedy/drama). For reference, DB focused more on comedy while Z focused more on drama. And third... Teen Titans Go... really? Not at all. For example the characters are drawn the same for the most part (when Toei has their shit together) margin a few alterations while being a continuation of the DB story, while Teen Titan Go is just a crappy spin-off with a completely different aim and feel and no direct story elements to the first series other than referencing it for a cheap laugh. Don't exaggerate. Also, GT was boring. Even tho Super has problems, I vastly prefer it to GT.
  7. Sigh... But here's the thing Jman, none of them are failures. No, obviously, they're not a breakout hit like DBZ but you have to understand that no anime will ever hit the heights of DBZ in America. Ever. Only in Japan. Naruto was the only other long runner that got semi-close but that mostly has died down, while DBZ stayed on top. AoT and OPM are popular, but they're seasonal and therefore will probably never hit the heights DBZ did in America. But OP is successful here. If you go to retail stores it is among the few anime DVDs/Blu-Rays that they sell there. It ranks high on HULU and Crunchyroll. Go to stores like Hot Topic and Spencers and there's only a few series they represent and OP is one of them. FUNi is up to the time-skip and is releasing a limited release OP movie in theaters, something they wouldn't do if the series wasn't profitable to them (we've seen them cancel series before -- Toriko, Sgt. Frog, Detective Conan, D-Gray-Man - although that one is supposedly coming back - etc etc) It does have merchandise that is sold both in stores and online. obviously not as much as DBZ, but it does have plenty of merchandise. As for Jojo, it has a few games that released stateside so thats good for it, but yeah it hasn't really made a name for itself in the states. But that doesn't mean it's a failure. Toonami is a niche block. Just because some of the shows don't get break-out ratings doesn't mean the series is a failure. Because as I just proved with One Piece, that simply isn't true. They just aren't the powerhouse that is DBZ here in the states.... but that does not mean anything that doesnt reach DBZ's stardom is a failure. Get rid of that logic.
  8. I'd argue you have no idea how anything works and so you pathetically lash at One Piece as a way to cope. (I also find it interesting that Naruto and Bleach are no where on your worst list, but One Piece is, especially because back in the day, OP was your favorite outta the three. Lmao!) Sorry brother, but that won't make Jojo do better. Which is also proving to be quite a 'failure' (if we go by your logic, which you won't with Jojo because you actually like it and therefore won't admit it)
  9. I mean, I'd argue no one cares what your opinions about anything are, PERIOD... except this thread.
  10. Lmao I love how the newest line-up promo ignores everything besides the two Dragonball series and Gundam.
  11. Lmao you all know by now that Jman is a negative ball of hatred. Of course he wouldn't list what he likes, only what he hates.
  12. In your opinion, how does he do the voice? Does he just do his Edward Elric voice and call it a day or does he tweak it somewhat. And can you say who does Koala? Sorry. It's just that these two haven't been revealed yet on any cast list and some of us OP fans are dying to know how their voices fare.
  13. Lmao wait wait. Is this real? You said it's a joke and I'm not sure if you're being serious or not lol...
  14. Dub only viewers would know who he is since they have dubbed Luffy and Ace's childhood flashbacks. Part 1 of OP is actually completely released, DVD-wise. Next set will be the start of the time skip. Also Vic MicNugget? Do you mean Vic Micnogna?
  15. Remember it first premiered at 11:30pm . But the second season premiered later because AoT was airing, so you have to account the later timeslot for the reason ratings for it lowered. But if we take a look at retention and other shows on the same time-slot, Dandy did just fine for both seasons.
  16. I maybe be remembering wrong, but I thought Dandy did fine (while not on reruns). I mean, yeah, nothing compared to DBZ, AoT and OPM. But it pretty much preformed solid otherwise. And again, your opinon doesn't translate to what gets ratings or not. So whether or not you found Dandy's later half 'not funny' is a moot point, because I'm sure others did.
  17. I don't. I'm just talking about Jojo's current lackluster ratings, a problem since it's at the front of the block affecting the other shows after it. He's the one that throws OP in there whenever he doesn't have an argument/wants to rile me up/wants to cushion the blow to shows he likes preforming bad.
  18. That's actually pretty accurate. Although OPM and AoT were pretty big hits too. And AGK did good as well (although it's marathon did terrible)
  19. There you go again just throwing shade at One Piece when we're not even talking about it. Can you not form an argument without relying on bashing OP when we're talking about other shows under-preforming? That's so juvenile.
  20. They have, but that still doesn't address Jojo's more-than-usual massive drops from DBZ, even compared to other series following it. And again, we're not talking about things being hits. Obviously nothing will become a hit other than things that are hits already (DBZ, OPM, AoT) if they're put on a block that only airs after midnight. But the point is, Jojo isn't doing too well and I doubt the later installments will be much of a different incentive to win mainstreamers over if they haven't been already. But we shall see soon enough. This is my belief.
  21. That is my belief. Hope is meaningless when everything points to Jojo keeping at this level of success all the way through. There's no reason to believe it'll ever recover. I have a strong suspicion that the campiness is turning mainstreamers off and that continues to persist well onto the other Jojo's. But we'll see soon enough.
  22. I'm just trying to enlighten Jman, who's logic seems a bit screwed. Plus he's not remembering right.
  23. Sigh, like I said, JoJo is losing even more viewers than previous shows that aired after DBZ. This isn't quite the same thing. I mean, yeah, they typically won't retain all that well, but JoJo is taking that notion to the next level.
  24. Dandy and even DW did figuratively fine. Go check. The most they have dropped is 300,000K on OCCASION, while that's normally what Jojo drops. Further more, Jojo has had the single most drastic drop of any show on Toonami to date that we can look into, with a near 500,000k drop. That's way more than the shows before it.
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