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Everything posted by moose

  1. Because people come for DBZ and leave for everything else. I get what Jman is saying, and in some ways he's right. But Jojo is losing even more viewers typically than shows from the past. Akame ga Kill, Kill la Kill, and of course OPM all preformed way better than Jojo, even if they did suffer from some drops. It was nothing compared to Jojo's drops.
  2. There's been many shows after DBZ and none of them lose as many viewers as Jojo is currently doing.
  3. Hunter usually has the best retention rate for the night. Of course it's not a hit (nothing on Toonami can "become" a hit unless it already was like OPM or AoT) but it preforms well. I don't see how it's doing meh. Jojo is doing meh. Especially because it keeps robbing the rest of the shows from having better ratings with it's massive drops.
  4. That doesn't mean Toonami viewers will take to it. Especially since first impressions are so important. I know JoJo is semi- popular among anime fans, but you know better than everyone else that that doesn't mean mainstreamers who watch Toonami will watch it, as evident with the current ratings. Look at HxH -- slow-ass start but it preformed well pretty much since day one. I don't really think the excuse of "the beginning is the worst part" is a good one. But I do think Jojo's overall campiness and quirkiness will hold it back on Toonami. Perhaps if they acquire Stardust Crusaders, they can advertise it anew (since it's technically a different anime license) and it'll preform better, but as for this 26 episode Jojo season is concerned, I don't see the ratings gaining all that much.
  5. You keep blaming Phantom Blood, but I bet you my whole paycheck JoJo's lack-luster performance will continue on with Battle Tendency. I don't think it's Phantom Blood's pacing (because quite honestly the pacing is pretty blitzing fast) that has people uninterested. I think i'ts Jojo's overall campy feel that persists through ALL the series.
  6. The biggest spoiler in the movie is something Toonami-only viewers won't 'get' until later, but it's a very big spoiler.
  7. Most people report that this movie is very much standalone so I don't think prior knowledge to future arcs matter much. Technically this movie cannot fit in the canon storyline as of right now due to recent events anyway.
  8. See this proves that you don't even know what you're talking about, because even if this doesn't do numbers (something that probably won't happen since it's already sold out in several places) these type of releases can't "flop". They're mostly used to just advertise something. You don't put out a limited release film and expect for it to be anything else other than a advertising tool for the eventual DVD release, which we already know OP does well in due to the dub already reaching the time skip. FUNi knows what they're doing. They wouldn't be doing all this for FILM GOLD if the property has no staying power. That's just your deluded hate-boner exaggerating everything again.
  9. You need to get over it.
  10. When was the last time I did that, honestly Jman? You know I've stopped. I have mellowed out and no longer act that way when someone bashes it, as evident now. You however still have the same ol OP hateboner that won't stop bashing it even when it has nothing to do with anything, while making excuses for the other shows when they preform worse. Don't act like you don't. And again more ignorant hate, because HxH has done pretty well and usually retains far better than any show on the block. Again stop letting your hate for certain shows cloud your judgement.
  11. Sigh How do you shoehorn your hate-boner of OP for every damn thread? Geez man, go kill Oda or something if you hate it so much.
  12. He's a bitter little man who turns to trashing OP whenever a show he likes underpreforms. As we saw with IBO before. Dare to say IBO did bad? Jman will retort about OP doing worse. Dare to say JoJo isn't doing all that well? Jman will be there to remind you OP is a "failure". It's pathetic.
  13. Lmao you sound like a bitter little kid right now. "Nuh uh! The thing you like is a bigger failure! Let me say this same thing in different ways ad-nausium just because you made fun of the thing I like! Wah! Wahh!" It's sad. We're not even talking about OP. This is about JoJo's bad performance. But just because you can't bear to think that JoJo's marathon did worse than the OP one, and that JoJo in general isn't doing all that well, you get all childishly defensive about it and start bringing up petty excuses for it and start trashing OP again all in a silly attempt to make yourself feel better while trying to rile me up. That is sad, Jman. But par for the course for you. Continue being a bitter tool on your next "highly anticipated quality" post. >
  14. That's a stupid thing to worry about. Enjoy what you want and don't worry about ignorant people who would judge you for it.
  15. You're implying he made him hot on purpose, as opposed to Vegeta's design just changing with the rest of the DB cast. Hot hot hot, nude nude nude. That means Toriyama likes him slightly now. I mean what kind of fucked up logic is this mess? That's all you keep saying.
  16. (Sigh) You are the gay one, Mochi. Not Toriyama. Vegeta's designed changed because DB as a whole had its art change throughout the several arcs... just like any other manga. Manga art styles evolve. This is nothing new. He was not overhauled to make him "hot".
  17. Nude scenes Proof that an author doesn't outright hate a character #MochiLogic, err'body!
  18. I don't really care what people think about me due to the media I choose to indulge in. People who put that much stock on how other people view them due to the shows they like are pretty pathetic.
  19. Lmao the denial is strong with this one. So is the bias-ness. Clearly there was an audience right before JoJo because the short right before it did fine. We've been witnessing heavy losses from JoJo week after week. This outcome is completely on par with how it performs. Better hope the other JoJo series do their thing, otherwise this show is looking to be a bust performance wise. Perhaps they'll move it down...
  20. If we're just looking for ratings then why air anything other DBZ period. Lmao people would probably stick around more for endless reruns of Z then ever give anything else a chance sans the rare occarance (AoT, OPM). Watch the upcoming DBZKai marathon pull the biggest ratings in a while. Even compared to the normal block. Watch.
  21. That link ALchemist posted has the first JoJo clocking in at in the 800k range, while the second showing of was in the 600k range. Nothing else charted. I mean it was Xmas so I wasn't expecting much, but damn, I didn't think you could do worse than what AGK, OP and IBO did for their marathons and yet... JoJo... poor poor under-appreciated JoJo.
  22. Lmao looks like JoJo managed to do even worse than the One Piece marathon last year.
  23. They seem to be making many promos and clips and giving exclusivity to various clips to diffrent websites/outlets. Like ANN has an exclusive clip, IGN, Comicbook.com and other websites, so, I'm sure they have good expectations for it. Although, obviously, it's not DBZ so don't expect it to do numbers like that. It doesn't need to anyway.
  24. A trailer for the promotional contest they got going on for the movie for a trip for 2 to Las Vegas popped up -- The clip that previously played on Toonami -- And some new clips of the English dub -- http://comicbook.com/2016/12/20/exclusive-one-piece-film-gold-first-look-clip/
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