I don't keep a tight schedule and just try to finish a list of daily/weekly goals I have on a whiteboard. That way I'm not stressing out over time(which leads to me getting distracted by the internet), and I don't get bored. It really does take a lot of self control though and like @KN said, it sometimes takes a few tries to get it right. Just try out some things like reorganizing your work area to make you more productive or look up tips from other people working at home with the same/similar job as you.
I gotta do it in order to make money. Since Twitter gave me good practice, I can talk to others sincerely in an environment that I can easily control. The 'easily' part depends on your experience on dealing with trolls if one wants to start shit, but how political your tweets are can also be a factor.
This is why I'm glad my grandma went to an assisted living place because I was afraid she'd slip and fall while shoveling snow outside her house or have a stroke.
Those options are lessening due to global warming like you brought up earlier, so I'm not eager to move anywhere until I have enough money to make better plans. It'll probably be less sucky for me once I get tested for Ehlers Danlos. I'm a bendy person with fucked up joints and organs that don't act right, so the diagnosis and treatment for it would be very helpful for me.
Through trial and error, I've learned that I have to eat vitamins like candy, drink a ton of gatorade, can't go out in the sun for long if it's 83+, and ask for help before I get to the 'Everything has a green haze' phase.
Late spring and summer because that's when my anemia tanks, and I'm more likely to end up in the ER due to medical issues caused by that. That's also when I'm surrounded by my deadly allergy, so I have to carry a bottle of benedryl at all times(even during fall/winter because Georgia's random warm days bring out bees and hornets) and hope for the best. Christmas Day can be hard because I hate watching my mom get depressed since that was the day she flew home to my uncle's funeral who died very quickly from cancer.
Not surprised. People act very dumb when it comes to food, so you either have to personally watch how food is given out or leave multiple big-lettered notes simple enough for a four-year-old to understand. And even then...*shrugs*