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Helper Elf
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Everything posted by OwlChemist81

  1. Maybe they could welcome Kahn into the group?
  2. I think the confusion might be that he was born in 1959? And apparently, he smoked, like his character.
  3. Well, Supes just barely made the Top 200 with Episode 6, with its Thursday premiere checking in at #199. Unfortunately, Toonami premieres are shut out for the 2nd week in a row, as the bar to make the Top 400 got raised even higher to 0.065: https://www.spoilertv.com/2023/03/top-400-cable-shows-week-ending-26th_01602488462.html?m=1 As for the Reruns, no surprises here. You'd think Gigglefudge might make it in the wake of Paul Reubens' death, but no dice. This also means no Friday marathon or ACME Night over 0.102 in 18-49. https://www.spoilertv.com/2023/03/top-200-cable-reruns-week-ending-26th_01243089880.html?m=1
  4. Episode 7 was arguably the strongest episode of Unicorn Warriors Eternal, and it was essentially a one-episode Isekai. Will this episode recapture the magic of lucky #7? Mechanics seem similar, but there is a vast parallel universe of room for epic failure! 🤔
  5. Ouch. https://www.spoilertv.com/2023/08/tv-ratings-for-saturday-5th-august-2023.html Double-digit club members incoming! This is Toonami's worst-rated night of 2023 so far, though 0.05 in 18-49 for Dr. Stone isn't THAT bad. If only it could migrate to TNT after AEW:Collision...or maybe Discovery could try reruns, since it KINDA fits their theme? I'd like to see what a special sneak FLCL: Grunge premiere would do there. Looks like they started posting the daily Cable numbers on Friday, so no Superman numbers yet.
  6. I barely kept my eyes open this time, out like a light for NS and MHA!
  7. Reportedly airing on [as] on September 1st... https://collider.com/the-venture-bros-movie-release-date-adult-swim
  8. We're in filler hell, and we don't know when we're getting out, because the last episode Toonami is airing of One Piece is 8/19. At least, that's been announced so far.
  9. You know what it's called if you have to pee during the commercial break of One Piece? One Piss! And I must go take one now!
  10. Yeah for real!! No EXCUSE!! SO those are Sea Lapins! And NONE of them can swim because of the drawback of a devil fruit!
  11. How we holding up over here! Toonami's half over, and the first half was all science and baseball!!
  12. From what I understand it's on multiple outlets, but are they airing a dub yet?
  13. Zom100 would be a great pickup for Toonami, especially since Halloween season is coming up, and if we can't get Uzumaki yet...
  14. It took 2 bats to hit THAT One out of the park! And the very air was shattered by the force of Naota's blow!
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