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Helper Elf
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Everything posted by OwlChemist81

  1. Absurd. We are NOT going down to 2 hours! Besides, yes they hid the drop to 3 hours in DST last year, but DST was 4 hours then AND IS GOING TO BE 4 HOURS THIS YEAR TOO!! Going from 4 to 2 would be too much of a cut. If we were going down to 2 hours, DST would be 3 hours. If Naruto: Shippuden stays doubled-up, it likely ends in early 2024. Maybe THEN we'll be talking about a 2-hour Toonami, but not yet. Also, the rerun COULD be an FLCL. Why the hell not!? Hell, they could run AOT from the beginning if they're THAT desperate for content. Do that 2x or even 3x in 2024 at the end of every Toonami until you get back to the specials, which would just need an extra half-hour for 3 weeks (to air 85-87 back-to-back, then the specials) in the former case. The whole series would take 31 weeks if aired 3 episodes a week, 29 weeks for the first 87 episodes, and then 2 more weeks for the specials.
  2. Hey!! https://www.spoilertv.com/2023/03/top-200-cable-reruns-week-ending-26th_01243089880.html?m=1 FLCL: Grunge Episode 1 checking in at #190 out of 200! Nice job! https://www.spoilertv.com/2023/10/tv-ratings-for-saturday-14th-october.html?m=1 Shippuden did pretty decent too!
  3. On that note... https://www.spoilertv.com/2023/10/tv-ratings-for-sunday-15th-october-2023.html?m=1 Rick & Morty got #8 on 10/15/23 with 418K total viewers and a 0.22 in 18-49. We shall see how Episode 2 did tomorrow!
  4. We'll do better for Shoegaze...
  5. Toonami airs Shippuden. You're awake at 1:30 and wanna watch it. Perfect.
  6. Relive the cel-shaded 3D awesomeness from September 2023 ALL IN ONE NIGHT!! ONLY TONIGHT, ONLY TOONAMI!!
  7. No block cut in the DST schedule this time. AOT/IGPX night is 4 hours long, then after that, it would likely be Dr. Stone, then 2 One Pieces, then 2 Shippudens, then FLCL Grunge. That kinda sucks, but at least Toonami would stay 3 hours. But maybe we'll get lucky and get Scavengers: Reign too. My theory is that they can air double One Piece as long as they take a night off to store it up. One Piece won't air October 21, 28, or November 4. That likely means 3 weeks of double OP on the 11th, the 18th, and either the 25th or December 2nd.
  8. FLCL makes the Top 50 to conclude its premiere run, but at least all other premieres do decently: https://www.spoilertv.com/2023/10/tv-ratings-for-saturday-14th-october.html?m=1 I do believe all 3 episodes of Shoegaze cracked 200K, and that's pretty impressive!
  9. Is this your guess or was this announced!?
  10. Motorhead's Estate's royalty check for "The Ace Of Spades" gonna hit like a MF...
  11. Uhh, what the hell is "Ultra Ego?" Also, Beerus was pretty much the only reason why DBS was watchable. 😉
  12. Just one thing: they potentially have 4 hours to play with on November 4th. I think you're right that we'll see Dr. Stone Season 2 debut that night as well, but if there's an opportunity to rerun AOT FC Part 1 any night, it's that night. Only thing is that it means if FLCL Grunge and Shoegaze are the Reruns, that would most likely bump one of them to the end of the Scavengers marathon...
  13. My guess is premieres November 2nd at Midnight, on Toonami at Midnight November 4th.
  14. New update for Top 200 Cable Reruns just hit the site, and an episode of King Of The Hill made it on Friday Night/Saturday Morning at 5 AM, supposedly after the Rick & Morty marathon: https://www.spoilertv.com/2023/03/top-200-cable-reruns-week-ending-26th_01243089880.html?m=1 Good grief! Perhaps more appropriately to the T.U.R.D., the R&M immediately prior to Toonami hit the Top 10 at #6 and delivered an impressive 0.175 in 18-49 and 321K total viewers as the lead-in to the block. https://www.spoilertv.com/2023/03/top-400-cable-shows-week-ending-26th_01602488462.html?m=1 And it turns out FLCL dropped considerably, 0.047 in 18-49 and 76K total viewers.
  15. For right now, the ATHF return is quite limited:
  16. Gotta say I didn't see that name coming!
  17. Get ready to smile again!!
  18. Toei might say different...
  19. ITT, we post developments at New York Comic-Con related to [adult swim] news and scheduling for the rest of 2023 and beyond! Stay tuned... https://www.newyorkcomiccon.com/en-us/explore/panels/panel-information.html?gtID=819024&panel-name=Adult-Swim-Presents-A-First-Look-At-New-and-Returning-Series
  20. Well, looks like Toonami may really be screwed now...
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