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Helper Elf
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Everything posted by OwlChemist81

  1. That pretty much pushes the Toonami debut to sometime in June or even July, then. IIRC, Season 6 premiered 10/12/22 and we got it on Toonami 12/3/22, so assuming the same holds, this would mean mid-June. With Demon Slayer: ED Arc ending March 23rd and probably Swordsmith picking up right after that on March 30th, that would indeed mean either June 8th or 15th (with Memorial Day break) for its end, and then we'd see MHA S7 starting the 15th or 22nd.
  2. So I counted all the One Piece episodes in 2023 according to Swimpedia, and guess what? There were 49 of them so far, with 1 to go this weekend for a total of 50. That sort of proves my theory that Toonami bought one a week; it just took enough breaks that it was able to double-up for 3 weeks in March and 9 weeks in the fall for a total of fewer than one a week! And of course it starts off 2024 taking a break as well, just in case it needs to double-up, I guess.
  3. Couple more pieces of the puzzle:
  4. Well, THIS is unexpected. Questioning breaking up Dr. Stone and One Piece with Lycoris Recoil in-between, but it's just temporary for like 3 weeks anyway. This indicates they may also have a plan for the 12:30 slot when Season 3 of Dr. Stone ends in early February!
  5. To the surprise of no one except those who foolishly expected double One Piece to last longer: ...those like myself. 😞
  6. Interesting--so SwimPedia is wrong!? You have to click Sunday the 17th to see it on the app for some reason, BTW. Wonder why this sudden change? Does this mean Dr. Stone's replacement is February 17th? And what of the 3 AM Yule Log rerun they were planning to play? Is it at 3:30 now? Or did it move to the next night? From what I understand, they DID play it during the Halloween season...
  7. Might have something to do with the train derailing last week? At least we can count on the 7th episode recapping the major story beats of the 6th this weekend, and hope it does well!
  8. https://www.spoilertv.com/2023/12/tv-ratings-for-saturday-9th-december.html?m=1 Kinda disappointing. Unfortunately, that 167K for Demon Slayer: Mugen Train Arc knocks its arc average to 212,333, less than FLCL Shoegaze's 216K. Now it will take 239K or better for the final episode for DSMTA to beat Shoegaze.
  9. Ironically, while Chinjao was spinning up a storm, a few communities in my metro area north of me actually DID get hit by spin-up tornadoes!
  10. Hard to believe there’s only one regular lineup Toonami left in 2023...
  11. By my math, Hashira Training would begin on June 15 or 22 if Swordsmith Village directly follows Entertainment District. But the question is: will it? Is that enough time after it's release for Toonami to acquire it?
  12. I daresay we COULD see it and Demon Slayer: Swordsmith Arc airing side-by-side in May, but it's probably realistically more likely to replace it in June, especially if we also have an original by then. We would have, most likely for the midnight slot: Demon Slayer: Entertainment District Arc Jan. 13-Mar. 23 Demon Slayer: Swordsmith Village Arc: Mar. 30-June 8 MHA S7: June 15-December???
  13. That's actually 269K total viewers with a 0.13 in 18-49.
  14. It was a silly filler episode, but it WAS great fun... https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/review/naruto-shippuden/episode-469/.104780 And that's why it gets a B+. Next week, we get serious again to finish off 2023, right?
  15. Well, this is weird! The whole thing just went dark for a few minutes, then this special Aquaman trailer? UH OH...
  16. Crap, looks like it's back into filler hell after all!
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