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Helper Elf
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Everything posted by OwlChemist81

  1. They seriously just blasted through that whole episode again!! 🤣 https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/review/naruto-shippuden/episode-470/.105040 Grade B. Well, at least we only have to wait 3 weeks for THIS story to continue!
  2. Well, that's a dead giveaway, and quite frankly kind of a dumb one!
  3. Oh great, Sasuke's lost in Hueco Mundo! 🤪
  4. Well, guess the bone ashed Naruto wasn't the real one after all?
  5. Is Obito still voiced by Vic Miganoganoo??
  6. Turns out Tobi IS a good boy! 🤣
  7. I forgot new American Dad was airing at 11 PM Wednesdays...
  8. Crap! It's a night of cliffhangers!!
  9. It's gotta have some kind of power, she just has to figure out what it is...
  10. It's Jerry Jewell night on Toonami!!
  11. That bump was HILARIOUS!! Was that new?
  12. Someone had to make one... 2 AM, only TOONAMI!!
  13. Raining again, but at least this week the TORNADO WARNING is just on TV!
  14. They don't know what happened to the Sunny, LMAO!
  15. Good Lord, how long has Doflamingo been alive!? 900 years!?
  16. https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/review/dr-stone-new-world/episode-18/.204768 I think it was a REALLY bad call airing this episode this week instead of double One Piece, even if it did get 5 stars, but their hands may have been tied. Even so, cutting 2023 off at the hopeful acquisition of Medusa might have been a better move for both series involved, especially if Luffy's coliseum conquest also has a single episode left after tonight. Since Demon Slayer also ended on an off-note, I guess it's just the order of the evening. Guess January 13th 2024 will be a fateful night indeed!!
  17. Good Lord! I guess we'll find out how Senku somehow beat Medusa next time--and next YEAR!!
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