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Helper Elf
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Everything posted by OwlChemist81

  1. Conny got the happiest ending of all because his mom actually became human again!
  2. We are probably witnessing the last major role of Vic Mignogna before the Me Too movement crushed him like The Rumbling in 2019...
  3. Fancy calling a 500-episode show more simple. Oh Hai, Vic Micderpaderp!
  4. https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/review/attack-on-titan-final-season-the-final-chapters/episode-2/.204128 "With the world being what it is, I don't see how Attack on Titan could have ended any differently." Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  5. Oh right, there ARE other shows on tonight! Well, let's rejoin the battle of Tsuki No Me for 30 more episodes, starting tonight, 1/7/24! Only TOONAMI!!!
  6. Yeah, I guess Titans really mo longer exist. Eren did what he set out to do, an attack on Titans, an unfortunate truth of this world, and won.
  7. Maybe one day some of our world's assholes, like putin, netanyahu, or trump, will just admit they're idiots. We should be so lucky. But at least this seems to indicate that Eren knows he isn't an evil genius?
  8. I really hope Demon Slayer turns out better than this! As bad as the writing in Inuyasha franchise is, at least it doesn't suck with endings!
  9. Why do they think AOT viewers care about Craig Of The Creek!? Final Chapter, LET'S GO!!
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