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Helper Elf
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Everything posted by OwlChemist81

  1. I'm amazed that she could pick something up so gently with those razor-sharp teeth!
  2. Took out several Sabertooth Tigers, and that was pretty freaking brutal!!
  3. Final episode, and the episode I don't really care for, "Echoes of Eternity".
  4. They couldn't swim forever, so Spear had to kick a little ass! And of course he set the sailors free!
  5. Like "we got your babies, Fang! Don't worry!!"
  6. I am enjoying this marathon; I just wish they would have been a bit more creative with the bumpers!
  7. Episode 19: "The Colosseus III" This episode is great because SWEET RETRIBUTION!!
  8. What a standoff! Only 2 episodes left! And WHY NO FLCL PROMO!?
  9. Well, at least they WERE getting fed pretty good. JAILBREAK!!
  10. He basically beat his own people to death for his own daughter! Even FANG couldn't take that!
  11. These bumps are just plain lazy! They're showing scenes from episodes they're not even showing tonight!
  12. But at least the conquest of the boat made for a pretty nice change of pace! And now some sprightly music!! And the growth of the big cat shows the passage of time! Apparently T-Rex eggs take a LOOOOOOOOOONG time to hatch if that leopard could grow up before they hatched.
  13. This is a rare instance where this show begins to get repetitive...
  14. Don't get me wrong; I like this show. And Fang is smarter than anyone would ever believe a T-Rex to be in using herself to make that battering ram stronger. In fact, I believe her species is actually more of a cross between a T-Rex and a velociraptor!
  15. Not much to talk about, really. Mira and Spear captured and being forced to do the evil queen's dirty work!
  16. Nothing special at all about tonight. Man, I really miss the days they put some effort into these holiday marathons to give us more of a reason to watch!! Well here it is again: Episode 17: "The Colosseus (Part I)"
  17. Crazy--I don't remember this scene at all somehow, though I know it was in the final episode!!
  18. Big-ass Ratings Report: first, week 2 of December all cable shows for the week: https://www.spoilertv.com/2022/12/top-400-cable-shows-week-ending-11th.html?m=1 Next, MHA's last appearance on the chart in 2022: https://showbuzzdaily.com/articles/showbuzzdailys-saturday-12-17-2022-top-150-cable-originals-network-finals.html Unfortunately, everything else made the Top 50 for the last time in 2022 LAST week, and MiA totally TANKED viewership at 12:30 but everything else gradually recovered slightly from there. Peace out until 2023, ratings reports...
  19. https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/review/my-hero-academia-season-6/episode-116/.190851 ★★★★1/2. The War is on indeed! More to come time TBA 2023, as my theory is with no new promo, MHA's timeslot may yet be unknown...
  20. And that's the problem with overuse of...jutsu. Massive hand callouses!
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