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Helper Elf
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Everything posted by OwlChemist81

  1. Well, Toonami's airing it again at 2:30 AM, so I guess we might as well discuss it! I GUESS we fuckin' deserve this...
  2. ...that doesn't sound good. Can the girls get back to the past to stop their confused, overzealous former teacher? Find out tonight, January 21-22, 2023 at 1 AM. ONLY TOONAMI!! AND, just because I have been doing this for other threads...
  3. Good job. Title: "The Return"!
  4. This is probably honestly the most coherent way they could have handled this. Just wish we were getting a rerun of Housing Complex C instead of PRIMAL at 2:30. It would wrap nicely on 2/11 so MiA S2 could replace it the following week. This means if they decide to rerun of MiA S2, it will be later on, which to be fair IS what they did with MiA S1. Hope both get send-off promos!
  5. Part 2: https://www.spoilertv.com/2023/01/top-400-cable-shows-week-ending-15th.html?m=1 All shows except Yashahime were down in Adults 18-49.
  6. I enjoy reading your drunken rants! Oh, BTW, Naruto Shippuden is canon again...
  7. Week 2 of 2023 ratings are out. Both MHA and MiA made the Top 50 again, dropping a few spots to #29 and #37 respectively, and both also dropped in almost every demographic markedly: https://showbuzzdaily.com/articles/showbuzzdailys-saturday-1-14-2023-top-150-cable-originals-network-finals.html YashaHime just barely missed the list at #52, Shippuden's return to canon checked in at #59, and One Piece brought up the rear at #62. All 3 shows made a 0.06 in 18-49 again, but actually ROSE slightly in terms of total viewers. Spoiler TV will show us the thousandths digit later this week and we will see if they actually rose or fell slightly from last week.
  8. They could certainly do worse than to give it a weeknight strip prior to S3's debut on Toonami. The first 2 seasons are 48 episodes total, which means it would fit nicely in a 12-week period Monday-Thursday on plain ol' [as]. Attack On Titan would also be great to strip, but I'm frankly befuddled as to whether it's a multiple of 4 or not. I mean, if they're losing content with Bob's Burgers going bye bye...
  9. Think [adult swim] lost the rights to Fire Force? THINK AGAIN! Its stream on Hulu is actually sponsored by [as]! It even says so on the app and plays with the [as] logo in the bottom right hand corner! Make THAT make sense!
  10. #3: Welcome back to Toonami, 11:30 PM! They HAVE done this before in the past!
  11. Ironically, Family Guy fails epically on Freeform but does quite well on FXX: https://www.spoilertv.com/2023/01/top-200-cable-reruns-week-ending-8th.html?m=1
  12. Beat me to the punch... Weird that it would start in March. I wonder how many episodes that's going to be? It has such a late time slot that I guess they can keep airing it through April. As for its presence on Toonami, this is prime suspect for replacing MHA, but COULD also premiere before or after it, especially if like its predecessors it gets dub premieres. I could see it expanding the block to 11:30 if 12:30 is already locked-down on April 8th, for instance.
  13. I'd say Toonami is also relevant but it didn't get most of its relevance from [as] with the exceptions of Attack On Titan and Dragon Ball Super. Beyond that, American Dad and YOLO, maybe?
  14. Yeah, how in the hell is this even possible!? Also, I noticed her shirt actually says "HAPPY", not "HARPY." But she IS a harpy!
  15. https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/review/my-hero-academia-season-6/episode-118/.191363 Rating: 3.75★. A great episode where the stakes ramped up to the moon right at the end, but paled in comparison to the sublime melancholy of a lost nostalgia that followed on Made in Abyss. Still, looking forward to next week!!
  16. Somehow I missed that this episode was the 2nd half of a 2-part flashback. Maybe the scene at the beginning with Faputa kinda threw me off? The reviewers at ANN seem rather stingy with 5-star ratings these days, but this episode got one, and it was well-deserved! https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/review/made-in-abyss-the-golden-city-of-the-scorching-sun/episode-8/.188995 The year is young, but this is quite possibly the best thing Toonami has shown so far in 2023.
  17. I thought it was a good episode, even if Osamu Kirin's motivations were confusing as hell!
  18. Shigaraki was BAD ENOUGH before, but NOW!? Man, FUCK THIS GUY!! And that ain't even the 2021 Good People El Gordo Hot Sauce beer I've been drinking talking!! Check it out at midnight tonight (1/14-15/23) ONLY TOONAMI!!
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