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Helper Elf
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Everything posted by OwlChemist81

  1. We got the promo last night during AEW Rampage... ...but yeah, unpinning this now...
  2. That's more than double their current viewership according to Nielsen... ...WHAT THE FUCK!? 😳
  3. Now that Vueko's backstory is over, it's back to present day with Riko, Reg, and the gang! ANYTHING can happen as they descend further into the Abyss and you don't wanna miss a second!! 12:30 AM the night of January 14-15, 2023, on TOONAMI!!
  4. Can Moroha, Towa, and Setsuna SWING THE BAT!? Find out tomorrow, January 14, 2023, at 1 AM on TOONAMI!!
  5. Not true. There will still be new game reviews and custom music videos.
  6. To be fair, this really sounds more like an S&M night gone horribly wrong. Did she just forget the safety phrase was "Pickle Rick!?"
  7. Well, it's not a Netflix original, so maybe Toonami can still get it in like 2025??
  8. https://www.spoilertv.com/2023/01/top-400-cable-shows-week-ending-8th.html?m=1 MHA checks in #44, others >#100; no premiere under 0.60 in 18-49.
  9. If I remember correctly, it was Part 5 of Jojo which ACTUALLY got deathslotted at 2:30 for most of its run until eventually rising to 12:30 during the dearth of content which came in Pandemic-addled 2020, but I DO remember at one point it was planned for Part 4 to fall to 3 AM but Hunter×Hunter wound up finishing there instead!
  10. Great! Netflix watchers might be able to see that by...*Checks Watch* Fall of 2027!
  11. Hey, I do believe I participated in those a time or two!!
  12. New year, same old $#!+: https://showbuzzdaily.com/articles/showbuzzdailys-saturday-1-7-2023-top-150-cable-originals-network-finals.html That's pretty good for MHA and not too shabby for MiA, but the other 3 premieres fell hard to the 60's in rank, each getting a 0.06 in 18-49 and averaging 150K. Still, I suppose it's better than they did some weeks in 2022...
  13. No fooly, no cooly in the Reruns Top 200 for NYE... https://www.spoilertv.com/2023/01/top-200-cable-reruns-week-ending-1st.html?m=1 ...and we'll hopefully see about January 7th, 2023 later today!
  14. I'm sorry--when I replied I hadn't seen THIS yet, so I beg your pardon: That said, my on-screen guide won't go that far into the future until tomorrow!
  15. So the first season of Yolo was called "Crystal Fantasy," and the second will be "Silver Destiny". What's the third? "Gold Fortune?" Or maybe "Platinum Prophecy?" 🤣
  16. I knew this was filler hell--had it written all over it. So, how long until we return to Canon?
  17. Oh never mind, Kin'nemon is with Zoro, Nami/Sanji, and Brook.
  18. Watch where you're swinging that thing, Brownbeard, you big oaf!
  19. Wait, that's right. They're clearly still alive cuz they ended up with Kin'Nemon... It's been 3 weeks, y'all!
  20. So basically it's just "thin atmosphere", kinda like at the top of a mountain.
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