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Everything posted by wacky1980

  1. shit, i grew up at the end of one of those roads.
  2. i'm doing pretty well over here, never having owned an iProduct. my pixel 3xl is an all-around badass.
  3. please. pretty please. shit, i got $20 for the person that makes this happen for the next 30 days. mods included.........
  4. some people are of the opinion that mayo is no more volatile, biologically speaking, than regular mustard. it's just that it dries / breaks down and starts to look funky. i disagree though; one should not fuck with the mayo. if it's left at room temp for more than 2 hours, i toss it. been food poisoned off bad mayo like three different times, and i'm not ready for a fourth.
  5. some home-made items remain shelf-stable for years with simple canning / pasteurization techniques. not sure that mayo fits that bill, but i've used jellies, vegetables, marinara, and salsa up to two years after canning, and it's been fine (flavors dull / change a bit over time, but otherwise ok).
  6. my sister makes a lot of that same stuff. she has a farm outside nashville where they do all sorts of fruit/veg, goats/pigs/chickens/etc, and a few colonies of bees. she's always making soaps, balms, canned goodies, sauces, whatever. i wish i had the time or space to do anything fun like that. if you canned the sauces, would they be able to travel a bit without spoiling?
  7. i use condiments... *WINK*WINK*
  8. that's what happens when you're in one of the top tax brackets. ~~~ still waiting on my shit. guesstimating our schedule k-1 papers, it's looking like our return should be going up about 25% over last year. but i could be guesstimating really badly. this is only our third year filing k-1 papers and i'm not really sure what to expect with the new corp process.
  9. an acceptable mic can be had for relatively cheap (i'm using headsets and they've been ok so far, so i haven't bought an external mic just yet...that's for next time). studio lighting isn't too hard to come by, but the cheap stuff isn't very bright, so you'll need to buy brighter bulbs. and then there's the editing software...maybe i was gifted a copy of premiere pro last week. still getting into it, but it's a really good platform, and i've only started to scratch the surface. haven't really explored youtube's new editor. i'm using it for endcaps but that's about it. much easier than premiere pro.
  10. wife has fights with kidney stones a couple times a year, so this is kinda normal. not fun at all, but normal. ugh. we've been lucky enough to avoid the flu this year (so far), but i konw it's been a nasty one. you folks keep that shit to yourselves! we're still pretty new to youtube, but i've hobbied with audio and photo/video for maybe15 years. my best advice at this early stage is to pick up a halfways decent camera. and if you're going to be outdoors at all, make sure it's waterproof.
  11. we just launched the channel a week ago. i don't expect much out of it, but the boys have a lot of fun with filming and it gives me a reason to build out a recording studio in the spare bedroom, and sit up there til 3am editing and pounding beers. so everybody wins. i almost had to take the wife to a doctor this week. she picked up a stomach bug or ate something that messed her up, whatever. but all the throwing up dislodged a kidney stone, and she's been out of commission since wednesday. she's mostly back to normal today, except for the kidney stone thing. but that will pass in a couple days. tomorrow is laundry day. yaaaay.
  12. it got above 50F for the first time in a loooong time, but it was raining all day so we stayed inside. bought a few more pieces of studio gear and recorded another gameplay video with the kiddos for the yt channel. ordered pizzas for supper. lazy day.
  13. it's fucking bright! i can't look at that without getting a little blinded. how do you put up with that?
  14. now i'm confused.
  15. it's probly the gov't
  16. gotcha.
  17. oh shit zeni. is this your stalker?
  18. see? give up the ruse, becky.
  19. that's not nice rebecca.
  20. judging from the pics i've seen, he's already suffering from an enlarged liver. and we all know where that leads...
  21. when you're 40, you'll already be well past your prime. those girls will be looking for the alpha stud lacrosse players from the local college. you'll be a dried up old turd with incurable STDs.
  22. just give it a few more years man. when you're 40 and they're like 25, it won't be so weird.
  23. nah, you're just upset because most of them are still too young to be even barely legal.
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