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Everything posted by CutieQuesadilla

  1. she’s good
  2. Oh, no nabs. Bowl cut.
  3. Apocalypse is worth the watch because it ties them all together like was intended.
  4. Murder house, hotel, coven, and apocalypse.
  5. I think if i was a guy id seem like a fuck boi but deep down im chill.
  6. This is me in guy form. If i were a guy i’d be james franco.
  7. I like women, guy, so you arent my type either
  8. Hello im looking for gfs
  9. Happy birthday, my scoobling bebe.
  10. Im also not against you. I just am trying to open your eyes a bit. I don't hate you like some of the fucks here. I don't have anything else to say. It don’t matter
  11. The funny thing is i already told musket how you would respond to this. You did exactly what i had said you would. Be defensive. I have no reason to be insecure about my relationship. I don’t share him. He’s not married. He’s not a loser. He also wasn’t in the military. 😂
  12. That is not the point. You know they have a girlfriend or wife or dog and you continue on. Ain’t nobody leaving anyone for you. It’s why he did not answer you the first time. These are the moments you live on yet ask people why they think you’re terrible. Maybe you’re having a moment because all the threads i see from you are about those sorry sacks of shit you call men who apparently like you, are obsessed with you, or you drive crazy. You are beautiful. You look young. You get men. We got that from all your subliminal insecure postings. FYI: Being in the military or a vet doesn’t make them any less shitty or less of a loser. Fuck. Them.
  13. Most men wouldn’t dump a woman they are with just to sleep with or see somebody. Side women always think that, but those women have secured their places regardless of their men being good for nothing. I’m not sure why you parade about talking about these men who have women and hit you up. 1. They might think you are easy. 2. A lot of women who do what you do are gullible to womanizer tactics. 3. Men play the game just as you do. I’m not sure if you make these threads to play yourself up or to make you feel better, but it’s kinda sad to read about all these losers you choose to entertain. They are either all you can get or what you think deserve.
  14. I can see you on the pulpit. “And the lord said, got damn that hot.”
  15. sci-fi horror!
  16. What about the thick neck guy?
  17. Also, brian. There were two i liked/like in my life. It’s odd
  18. All the people i liked have the same names. Matt. Josh. Sean. Chris/Kris. Mike/Michael. Ash. Etc. Me best friend from kindergarten to high school was named Ashley, but i called her Edward because she was just like Edward from Cowboy Bebop. I’m not sure why it’s always people with those names.
  19. I saw that edit. Tomboys. I’m a pretty boy. ✨
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