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Everything posted by CutieQuesadilla

  1. It’s amazing what snubbing someone can do. He is used to getting what he wants.
  2. Keep waiting for something that won’t happen.
  3. We legit talk every day now, lmao
  4. That group is the most hilarious thing i have witnessed. They all cheat on their spouses with liver spots and old ass white bitches.
  5. I never said i was. I’m on the thick side. I wouldn’t want to be skinny. But just because you’re 80lbs less than fuggs you make this thread. She has all her toes, though. Bless up, kunta kinte.
  6. Of* that’s your rebuttal? i know you aren’t skinny and have a range of health problems. Carry on being a black kettle and all that.
  7. Sometimes, i like kix or corn chex at night.
  8. Oof, too spicy for me probably, but look great.
  9. I think you are handsome, scoobling. The bow ties get me. ❤️
  10. Not going to happen. I won’t be reverting back to you cunts attacking her regardless of what she does or says. You guys constantly talk about her weight and stuff and most of yall are ugly as sin.
  11. Fuggs* isn’t that big and actually improving herself. Here you are throwing cheapshots at her while begging for pictures of her pussy and asshole everyday. Get fucked.
  12. He means: You hott. Very hott.
  13. You have pretty hair~
  14. Lol, what the hell.
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