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Everything posted by CutieQuesadilla

  1. If it’s over medium, i can’t trust you anymore.
  2. I hate feeling depressed like this. Why does this happen to me?
  3. Rimjobs
  4. Aww, you beat me.
  5. I was going to find that video of nab’s worm swimming in the toilet, but i can’t be bothered. ❤️
  6. Look at you all loyal and happy and shit. i approve
  7. Also, shut up you. you shouldn’t make jabs at anyone because of the fuckery you post, cunt.
  8. The exes, too. let me quote drake. I know you think its funny that your ex is not a running back But that nigga came running back And you tell me that you’re done with that
  9. That’s what i do then i’m walking like the zombies in the orignal night of the living dead. we’ll get there at some point.
  10. A guy who looked like that was hitting on my mom outside the grocery store. He litterally waited for her to come out. I felt so weird being present.
  11. I’m walking slow as balls in skyrim because i have tons of stuff.
  12. I laugh at guys who talk to me like that. Here, the way the mexicans look at me is hilarious. They are into the thick womenz, so ass and titties make you a goddess.
  13. I don’t think i’m any different in a relationship. I have always attracted women, but just seems like a lot more than usually. I am pretty confident, but i’m shy irl. I know, hard to believe.
  14. Do you just ignore them?
  15. You’re cute, shush.
  16. It’s like they like the challenge!
  17. I’ve been attracting lots of gorgeous women. I really do love women. Their bodies, just everything. I find them beautiful. Sometimes i wonder if people are more attracted when you are taken. They come out the woodworks.
  18. Oh, where i did the Zoolander thing. I was really high
  19. Sounds like a fun time!
  20. Dad: good genes. Mom: mental illness. Neither of them had anything to do with me, so i don’t think i inherited much from either of them.
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