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Everything posted by brianycpht

  1. I hope that doesn't happen. That one will probably be given more leeway than One Piece did because it is a finite series with an ending point at least. They would prefer to finish out a show whenever possible. I'm hoping it actually lifts the 2AM hour up a little and gives Shippuden and Ghost a little boost.
  2. Jack did so amazing that it shut off their equipment
  3. That's how I found out about S7 and E7 too when that happened. They used to just do something like call it "NEW ANIME" until it was announced.
  4. Man, I'm glad they said something about it last week. Can you imagine the uproar if we casually saw that One Piece was gone and Tokyo Ghoul is replacing it on a schedule grid. His twitter feed would be on fire right now at 3 in the morning.
  5. My Predictions I think after Jojo, if no Stardust, then we get Mob. After that finishes, we'll get Startdust It's a safe assumption that IBO season 2 will probably replace Unicorn. This may move up to 1:00 AM, shifting Tokyo Ghoul down to 1:30. After Ghoul finishes, I think we'll get Lupin at 1 or 1:30. I'm going to go and also predict that after Jack finishes up, Attack on Titan season 2 will take over that slot. Another wildcard is whether or not Super is going to take breaks. The original press release said that "Season 1" of Super (26 episodes, which doesn't even get us past the movie arcs) was going to air. I don't know if they would do this or not. Doesn't seem too likely, but it may be a way to get more mileage out of the show, especially while DBZ KAI is still airing. I'll bet that they decided to part ways with One Piece sometime last year and HXH was really the true replacement in the long running Shonen department. They never were going to stick something brand new at 2:00 AM. They need sort of a steady 2:00 AM hour so they build up an audience for HXH throughout last year and then slide it in at 2:00 AM with Naruto hoping that it's established audience base goes along with it. It'll probably stay there for the duration of it's run now. Not too big a deal personally. I watch Toonami kind of weird. I watch Jack, the DB shows, Naruto, One Piece and Ghost in the Shell close to live. Then the next day, me and my wife watch HXH, Jojo, and Unicorn together in that order. So even though its at 2:00 AM, HXH always gets watched first in my house before the other 2 : ) I'm not 100% on Lupin, but I would like to see it myself.
  6. It's on my Cable Guide and scheduled recordings as well now so there's another source, but things could change in a week
  7. Jojo probably cost more and is almost done with part 2, no sense to move it now. Plus Tokyo Ghoul isn't being marked with a "New" on zap2zits grid. Has it aired on Funimation channel before and this not a real premere?
  8. http://tvlistings.zap2it.com/tvlistings/ZCGrid.do?fromTimeInMillis=1490508000000 unfortunately, HXH is moving to 2am Tokyo Ghoul is getting 01:00 and Unicorn is getting 01:30
  9. Maybe, maybe not. It's pretty possible they aren't quite sure. This isn't a good problem to have. They have a new show that needs a decent timeslot, which means something is moving down. Depending on what's coming next, they may not want to push down Jojo or Gundam, but do they really want to put HXH at 2am? As the next resident long runner, I can see the logic with putting it with Shippuden. But it's a decently performing dub premere that is about to get really good and deserves a wide audience. It's like deciding which of your children goes without dinner!
  10. They really need more dub premieres. So much of the block is widely available dubbed, TG even has the first season dubbed in Hulu. That means they also exists on pirate sites. The fact that DBZKFC is going to be all out dubbed by the end year is mind boggling. Toonami has to have exclusive things.
  11. Especially in 2007 they were finally starting to rotate newer things onto weeknights that weren't even done airing on Saturdays like Eureka Seven, Bleach and Blood +. For the longest time in 2005/2006 they were doing endless reruns of Inuyasha, FMA, and GiTs. Those were always the standbys .Although I'd rather have that what we get now. I used to even stay up for Gigantor, Astro Boy, and Voltron at 5:30 AM!
  12. Haha .. I meant to say we mourn 1/31/07 every year 8). That's what I get for tying and walking at the same time. Never try it
  13. That's why we mourn on 1/31/07 every year.
  14. And we all bounced back! Anime on AS has come a long way since those dark times. We were lucky to get 2 premieres a year (one of them being Bleach). We are in much better shape. I almost feel like if Toonami went to AS in 08 instead of being straight up cancelled everyone would have been much better off!
  15. Yeah, I remember that! That was back in the days when we would get a lot of Bleach and MAYBE one other new show. Had Toonami not returned, Bleach probably would have closed the book on anime for Adult Swim.
  16. Yeah not a lot of people know that they were never supposed to be going at the same time. McFarlane got stretched way to thin. I don't even think he writes for either show anymore.
  17. I wish they had a better deal with those two. I wish they could get a bulk of episodes for cheaper and play them to catch up to newer stuff. I doubt they could afford that many episodes a year! I remember when they used to burn through six months worth (at 1 a week) of Inuyasha in a month!
  18. They used to run a yearly "Have it You way" promo where the winner got to program Adult Swim forthe night
  19. Yeah, I always thought Jack would be our best shot to return one action to weeknights. They own it and it doesn't cost them anything extra to air. FLCL might be in a similar situation. We'll see how it does. There's little risk for them to try this, so hopefully it does well and it can grow a little from there.
  20. Family Guy sure isn't doing what it used to. Weeknights were even down (when tvbytn was still listing it). Relatively speaking, compared to how AS as a whole is doing, Toonami is doing just fine. Jack could take it to a whole other level. Would love if it and DB Super could outrank FG this week! I'm also rooting for the 10pm Wed airing of Jack! Let's show AS that a little action will work outside of late Saturday! If somethIng they own can do well, it may give incentive to do more original action and perhaps get Toonami expanded even more!
  21. Belladonna of Sadness (very surreal lost 70s anime film) was playing on TCM at that time . Wonder if that combined with the filler did One Piece in?
  22. While I would be OK if they take One Piece or Shippuden off Toonami, I kind of like the fact that they are there for new fans to discover. I never watched a single episode of either before 2015 (when I became a regular Toonami viewer again). Then that same year I binged the hell out of both shows and caught up to where we are now (and beyond). These shows are still very popular among young people, perhaps more than ever before.I was recently at a family friends sons birthday party. I believe most of the kids were 14-15 years old. I literally walked into the bedroom of two of the kids singing "We Are!". All of these kids love One Piece and Naruto, but they aren't watching it on Toonami, they're watching it on that site that starts with a K. They also watched Bleach, Attack on Titan, and Gurren Laggan and are watching the dub of Super there despite it being on an accessible timeslot. Why, because it's easier for them to just pop open that site that you don't even have to log into to rather than even record it on a DVR. Young adults who are in Toonami's demo are also doing the same thing. I'm in one of those stores at the mall last week that sell anime and video game merchandise and I even see people my age (30s) with there kids talking about streaming these shows from that site. That's where fandom is headed, they love these shows more than ever, but no one wants to pay for anything (even Netflix or Hulu). That being said, I hate how far behind they are from the DVD releases. This is sort of the consequence of having Toonami off the air for 4 years. If they were going to take off One Piece even temporarily, then now would be a good tme to do it before a new story really gets going.
  23. Curious about something. If the regular lineup is preempted and Super has a premere at 8, do you think they would actually have it so the 11:30 one is a week behind the 8:00PM one? I think that would be ratings suicide. Makes more sense to have no new episode at 8 or 11:30 or skip ahead the following week.
  24. Looks like the 11:30-3:30 portion of Toonami has been blanked out on the schedule. Super is still new at 8:00 so I'm sure that will still air, but wonder what could be happening? Too soon for a new show, maybe something else special?
  25. I figured it's because we are going later on in Jack's life. Kind of like how Star Wars started with "Episode IV". It's to represent the part of his journey that we haven't been witness too. Weird, they only went 40 numbers up when it's 50 years in the future! It would make more sense just to skip 50 numbers! Also, "Sandwhale and Me" will be on at Midnight on 3/18 in front of DBZ KAI, which will start at 12:05 AM!
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