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Everything posted by Distinct Lunatic
I can not tell if Kevin James is retarded or a genius
Distinct Lunatic replied to Mortir's topic in Free-For-All
Separating him from his work, he's a pretty good actor but a shitty guy. There's so many experiences people have had with him where he acted like an asshole. -
I'm actually really self conscious of hearing my voice. From time to time I'd ask people if my voice sounds weird, them saying it's fine. That said though the majority of times I have heard it is when a phone call goes to shit and you hear your voice as you try talking.
I can not tell if Kevin James is retarded or a genius
Distinct Lunatic replied to Mortir's topic in Free-For-All
Pretty sure he means a serious/drama role. When it comes to comedic actors like Adam Sandler, his posse, and other folks like Jim Carrey, Eddie Murphy and so on, their success has dried up, some more than others. I think of Sandler's posse Kevin James was able to carry movies better than the others. Sandler's movies post 05 or so being mostly shit, while Kevin James has been able to keep up better, though I don't consider either of them that good anymore. Ive been meaning to watch Uncut Gems but haven't gotten around to it. I do think Kevin James could do real good in a serious dramatic role. Back with Bob Odenkirk appearing in Breaking Bad, it was either him or Vince Gilligan that said something along the lines of if you can do comedy you can do drama, though it doesn't always go the other way around. Considering a lot of comedians have some form of depression or something bad they can pull from to do a serious role. -
For both me and my sis our grandparents bought us bonds very very early in our lives. I was 19 when I got my first job and a driver's license, I was able to use my bonds then to get my first car.
I put $50 in Boeing and am doing $10 biweek in that one. $50 in Amazon and $20 biweekly. $40 in Nvidia and $10 biweekly. $40 in NextEra Energy $10 biweekly. $40 in Schlumberger (an energy company) with $10 biweekly. Boeing is currently in a decline cause the rona at around $150~, but before the rona it's always been well over $350. The covid bs is the only reason I have a decent enough idea on what to invest in. Whenever covid eventually passes and travel bans are lifted I see that stock shooting way back up, so I might be able to make a couple hundreds from that one. Amazon is a stock I see only getting more valuable as time goes by, online shopping increasing while going to physical stores like even Walmart I see declining. Nvidia I invested in cause of the new graphics card reveal making them more valuable. NextEra Energy is apparently the leading figure in green energy, that being something I'd imagine will get more valuable. Schlumberger and one other energy company I invested in were also impacted by the rona, I might be able to make a hundred or so bucks from them after things go back to normal.
I wish I got into stock investment sooner, would have made some good money with Nvidia with their new GPU announcement. I cancelled my investment in the one oil company and put it towards them instead, and plan on doing $10 a week. I put $50 toward Amazon and am doing about $20 biweekly.
What was the first game you bought with your own money?
Distinct Lunatic replied to Kudasai's topic in Games
No clue. The furthest back that I remember buying was back when I was 10yo back in 2003. I spent about two months cutting my grandparents grass for $15, it was just before we went to Florida that Summer I had enough saved to buy a GBA SP and PKMN Ruby. Good times. -
Off topic: The other day I started making a game in RPG Maker MZ, no promises of me actually finishing it. It isn't DND themed but still meant to be fantasy with some modern day elements. The story I'm winging it on. Back when I first started writing back in '08 I pretty much made things up as I went, then I started thinking everything out in advance but would overwhelm myself with the scope of that and likely won't finish it, so I'm back to winging it with this. As for assets I only have what comes with RPG Maker, it has a pretty good character creator but don't think I can do centaur's, but if either of you had a character you wanted to pitch. Either an imperial type or free agent type or whatever. Haven't decided on if I'm going to do non-human types or not, depends on how far I can stretch the provided assets. Character names are based on UK and Europe. Going for a nobility theme with kings, barons, dukes, etc. Won't be anything too fancy or complex. I do have a pretty good amount of experience with RPG Maker, but I don't know *javascript or how to code in general. I understand how the stuff works to some degree but not how to write it. So any functionality in the game will be what I can do with what's provided or available scripts online. It took me about 4 hours to get around 5 minutes of content but I do find it fun to work on.
Banarr simply scuffed at Toh-ken coming along and finishing off the troll. "Could have done it myself." The dwarven pirate sulked as he pulled out a cigar, striking a match and lighting it up, taking a deep inhale as he followed along with his short dwarven legs... But not before searching the fallen troll for any possible goodies... to which the dwarf managed to find a dagger however he tossed it aside in disgust due to it being a weapon unworthy of a pirate such as himself. "Note to self, next time I find a smithy, have 'im forge the finest pair of cutlasses known to dwarf."
scientology is the most underrated religion outcha'
Distinct Lunatic replied to Mix's topic in Free-For-All
Funny that you mention that, there's this one guy at my workplace that's 66 now, and he's a major MAJOR koolaid drinker / bible thumper. If you could talk to him about normal things he was alright to talk to, but every other conversation was about God/The Bible, and every other other conversation was about people that have died and how "you'll die one day and you need to know where you're going". Quite literally the first time I talked to him he sprung his religious bs on me, saying "Some people call themselves Christian but say they only believe in part of the bible, and that's not the way I see it (my name), you either believe every last word of it or you don't believe in it at all, and that's me I believe every single word of it". I shit you not that was the first conversation I ever had with the dude. He'd piss off a lot of us cause when we're in our break room he always wants to talk about the bible, and he'll always turn to radio to one of those religious stations so he can hear the gospel. -
I chose to do $10 every two weeks for Exxon Mobil. It does make sense to me to invest in these oil companies cause once the Rona eventually passes and people are driving more and the demand goes up more it'd make sense for the stock value for those companies to go back up.
Know the name of those companies?
I think Tesla will still succeed as a company but I don't see their stock prices staying that big. Once the hype dies I see it dropping below $1000
ITT: you tell me something positive about yourself
Distinct Lunatic replied to Bouvre's topic in Free-For-All
Back when I was 9 or 10 I memorized every word in the Pixar movie A Bugs Life -
I feel like the best strategy is to keep an eye out for any upcoming businesses from silicon valley. To get in there while the stock is so cheap.
Penny stocks?
A buddy of mine has that one app Stash on his phone, where you can invest in stock and so on. I'm not sure how long he's been invested in that stuff but he has been able to profit a couple hundred bucks during that time. I installed the app and was looking around on it a bit, I do think it's something I want to try out a bit, but the problem is I'm not entirely sure what'd be a good idea to invest in. Amazon, Apple, and Tesla seem like the major ones to invest in but the cost of stock for those three is between $500 and $3400. So that's an obvious no go. For the record I'm not expecting to make major bank from this, that's the kind of thing that'd only work if you have a large amount to invest, and can buy large amounts of shares instead of only a couple. But if I am gonna give this a try I'd like to get something substantial back so that it's not just a money sink.
Banarr was feeling rather high and mighty after managing to pull off his maneuver which resulted in the troll suffering permanent eye damage. "Not so tough now, ain't ya!?" Banarr goaded some more as he arrogantly holstered both of his firearms as he started fighting it out fisticuffs, taking jabs and shots at the troll. One thing that was most obvious and apparent, Banarr tends to let success go to his head, becoming arrogant. It only took about 4 good jabs before the troll gained enough sense of their surroundings, managing to block Banarr's fifth jab, and responding by charging forward, wrapping both arms around the dwarfs waist, scooping him up and throwing him down against the ground some distance away, conveniently within arms reach of the lamp that Neflet left. "Ha hoo, boy, a lamp! I know just what to do with tha'," The dwarf rolled over off of his back, grabbing the lamp beside him and twisting it open, revealing the lamp fuel. Before the troll could react, Banarr quickly managed to get up to his feet, and as he spun around toward the troll he splashed the lantern fuel over its head. Feeling ever so mighty and powerful the dwarf reached into one of his dirty pockets, retrieving a set of matches, striking one and tossing it at the troll. The fire most likely won't be enough to kill the troll, but it would give them enough time to reload both of their firearms. (where's the search generator?)
(A character that I made today, most likely won't be featured in this. It being for if I'm able to join a friend of mines next campaign)
Gotta love how 4kids used the shadow realm for absolutely everything throughout the YGO franchise. Once these circular saws reach you they'll send you to the shadow realm and not sever both of your feet... If your life points reach zero this glass floor will shatter and you'll fall to the shadow realm instead of plummeting to your death. There was so much throughout all YGO series. Though I guess in fairness sending people to the shadow realm would better explain them returning later on, compared to the Japanese version where people legit "die" but later return once evil person is defeated. That was something I remember about 5D's with Earthbound God cards in the show, in the japanese script people are legit sacrificed when they're summoned, them saying they're dead in the script, but after the Earthbound Gods are later defeated magically the people that were sacrificed teleport back completely unharmed.
The dwarven pirate, was fumbling about trying to put his beloved bagpipes away when the party engaged with the trolls. (Dex 18+2) Banarr managed to leap to the side as one of the trolls charged forward toward him, the size difference between the two played a bit to Banarr's favor, the dwarf wasting no time pulling out his flintlock pistol and popping off a round which shot through the trolls thigh, dropping it down to a knee, the pirate then switched to his blunderbuss, pointing the end of the barrel dead center about two feet away from the trolls face, (Dex 2+2) and pulling the trigger to just to hear the metallic sound of the hammer striking but no discharge due to Banarr failing to reload prior to the battle, the troll responding with a strong punch to the gut that sent the dwarf back some feet. It was at this time that Banarr wished that his prized cutlasses weren't off in the hands of his lowly crew that threw him overboard. "Ya call that a punch!?" He goaded the troll, "I reckon my granny could have hit harder than that." His words provoking the troll, making it charge him once more, (Dex 13+2) Banarr reacted by pulling out a glass jar from one of his trench coat pockets that contained a dark, green and murky liquid which he quickly splashed in the creatures face, it being an acidic resin Banarr scavenges when he can, it being used to create explosives. Exposure to the eyes being very likely to result in permanent eye damage. (I tweaked Banarr's character sheet a bit, https://ddb.ac/characters/33965448/weZ75j making them level 6. A general idea for the character is that he seems like a bumbling idiot, but his time as a pirate captain has made him pretty strong and wise. Also at some point later on will likely remove or replace him, him being relegated to an NPC that'll likely come along with opportunities from time to time)
I put together this list here as a rough idea for what would work. PCPartPicker Part List: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/pPDf3t CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 3800X 3.9 GHz 8-Core Processor ($329.99 @ B&H) CPU Cooler: Noctua NH-D15 82.5 CFM CPU Cooler ($89.95 @ Amazon) Motherboard: Asus TUF GAMING X570-PLUS (WI-FI) ATX AM4 Motherboard ($189.99 @ B&H) Memory: Corsair Vengeance LPX 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3000 CL15 Memory ($66.98 @ Amazon) Storage: Samsung 970 Evo 1 TB M.2-2280 NVME Solid State Drive ($169.98 @ B&H) Video Card: EVGA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER 8 GB XC GAMING Video Card ($539.99 @ Walmart) Case: be quiet! Silent Base 601 ATX Mid Tower Case ($129.90 @ B&H) Power Supply: SeaSonic FOCUS Gold 750 W 80+ Gold Certified Semi-modular ATX Power Supply ($124.01 @ Amazon) Total: $1640.79 Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available Generated by PCPartPicker 2020-08-26 23:43 EDT-0400 If you or him know how to overclock you could save a bit of money by buying a ryzen 7 3700x and overclocking it yourself, mine runs stable at 4.2ghz with about 1.35v, could go a little lower on the voltage but my temps were real good so I went a little higher. I leaned towards silence and reliability for the case and the cpu cooler. With an air cooler he wouldn't have to worry about the possibility of a water pump dying or a possible leak, worst case scenario a fan would die and that'd be a simple fix by just buying a new fan instead of replacing the whole cooler, Noctua considered the best as far as fans and air coolers go. Be quiet makes quality cases that are aimed at silence (hence the name), this one doesn't have a window panel, but I believe they have versions with one if wanting to show off the system. As for motherboard I personally consider MSI to be one of my favorite brands, but can't deny that Asus has a much better bios and with much better software. When it comes to ram, Ryzen sees a big benefit to higher speed memory (for most brands need to enable XMP profile in the bios, for Asus though that option is labeled DOCP I believe, to make sure you're running the speed the ram is rated for) I went a 2x8 kit for 16gb that way if he wanted to go 32gb it'd be as simple as buying another of the exact same kit. When it comes to storage I chose a 1tb M.2 ssd since it's much simpler to handle since you don't have to deal with running sata or power cords to a typical drive, and whenever he feels the need to add storage he could easily just buy typical hdd, I bought a 6tb hdd myself for like $200 or so. I would have gone with an RTX 2080 or a Super but those are well over $800 currently, I guess cause the covid. If he's willing to pay the higher amount for a 2080 by all means, but if doing 3 1080p monitors then a 2070 Super (which is already very similar in performance to a 2080) will definitely be enough. And as for the power supply, I went Seasonic since simply put, they're the top brand for power supply manufacturers.
Ultra wide I would consider better than getting 2 or 3 monitors, but not a TV. For ultra wide there's a few types, ultra wide 1080p, 1440p, and 4k. Unless the guy plans on getting a 2080 ti or a Titan then a 4k ultra wide shouldn't be considered. A 2080 super should be able to handle a 1440p ultra wide well enough.
I would try talking him down to 1080p. The costs of doing that with 4k would be through the roof. Just for three 4k monitors that'd easily run him a grand or close to two if he wanted to get real good ones. In terms of hardware, to handle three 4k monitors I'd say two 2080's might be able to handle it at medium graphics settings but I don't even know, and that'd be over a thousand for two. With 4 1080p monitors a single 2080 might be enough considering 4k is literally 1080p times 4 in terms of pixel count. For a cpu he'd definitely need either an i7 from Intel or a ryzen 7 from AMD, AMD is better for the cost and performance. When it comes to the idea of using more than 2 gpus I'm pretty sure unless Microsoft did make it possible for the game, back with the gtx 1080 generation Nvidia killed off more than 2 gpus support.
what is a movie that everyone has seen but you haven't?
Distinct Lunatic replied to resurrected's topic in Free-For-All
As for Ghostbusters I've been meaning to watch the first one for a long while now but haven't had the interest to do so yet. Also I'm not really much of a Harrison Ford fan and have no interest in Indiana Jones. Blade Runner interests me more. Honestly when it comes to old movies unless they're something I've seen in the past I'm very unlikely to watch them. I love Back to the Future but that's an example of an old movie where if it wasn't for the fact that I've seen it long ago I don't think I'd watch in present day if I haven't of already seen it. Same thing for old games and anime, unless it's something that I had an interest in then I'm very unlikely to ever look into them because older stuff doesn't interest me the same way anymore.