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Everything posted by Ric

  1. Hey, this is riveting stuff.
  2. This is about judas chairs and spanish donkeys, get that perverted shit outta here.
  3. Wouldn't IP dodging be easier than trips to the library?
  4. Shove a leek up your ass.
  5. Yeah, Phillies test them out for us. Pretty please? And judas chair is winning 4-1. O0
  6. All of those are better than much of the current Toonami block.
  7. You got any tips?
  8. This is no laughing matter, if he can't get an OKC date he might start making moves on your waifu.
  9. Forget her, you can have me. I'll put this on.
  10. Ric


    So you hate judas chair but play with his cousin?
  11. Atleast you've gotten some or you'd be dead by now, still hope you work that out though.
  12. Anxiety sucks, first time it hit me I thought I was having a heart attack.
  13. It seems we both have issues.
  14. There hasn't been a new Wolfenstein announced since The Old Blood came out that I'm aware of. Are you thinking of that Quake game?
  15. I've said that on the ASMB and no one thought it was a good idea.
  16. Calm down guy, haz a cucumber. http://static2.fjcdn.com/comments/It+s+a+ficking+sea+cucumber+calm+down+admins+and+moderators+_67ecc141bf2542c0ed58dd4e86f5c109.png[/img]
  17. Where did Monday go?
  18. So what you doing about this shit Zeni, got a plan in place yet?
  19. Are you sure you're not just smelling yourself?
  20. FFA doesn't load quick enough to post flood.
  21. I thought you quit coffee.
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