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Everything posted by Ric

  1. Oh yeah, I forgot about Gundam Unicorn. Is it any good?
  2. Also this, iirc his trophies won't impress anyone so starting over is no big deal.
  3. Why?
  4. SF pros get the bitches wet, good plan.
  5. Did you miss your chance with that hottie you blew off a week or two ago?
  6. I liked it.
  7. Nope, didn't know it was coming on.
  8. Toonami lol
  9. Had other shit to do.
  10. 7-zip is fine, although I can't speak for it works with Windows 10.
  11. Don't feel like it.
  12. Why would the pillar of this community get banned? If it weren't for Zeni's threads and bitching about Zeni threads what else would be going on here today?
  13. Well you need to do something or she's going to be getting plowed by some other guy tonight.
  14. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/81464671849493786/B1FA440AEA8277F8B7EEC5332DF1294F113490B1/?interpolation=lanczos-none&output-format=jpeg&output-quality=95&fit=inside%7C1024:*[/img]
  15. Ric

    i am sick

    Are you sure?
  16. Ric

    i am sick

    Are you dying?
  17. Oh, it's about the Great Wall of China? I thought it was about Trump's wall, not going to see it now.
  18. Do you talk dirty to him?
  19. No.
  20. We gonna get nuked.
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