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Everything posted by Lytbryt

  1. Yeah like not gonna sit around and have my extended family patronize me all day dont care how good the food is
  2. Yeah i have some stuff come up recently that is embarassin like yikes and think m just skip family get together this year and turn the phone off
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  4. Omg I remember when that thing first came out I cried laughing at some of the roasting of it it was a good concept just excuted very poorly and didnt have the demand it required yeah Stadia is yet to be seen what happens it could pull off w/out a hitch or it might give Fallout 76 a run for its money in the gaffe department
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    Dem crystals bruh
  6. Yeah ngl some of the shots in the traile look preety susupect like when it shows the ghost reach out of the tub then reverse shot to her head popping up when no one around.... like why u know? hopefulu just a trailer shot but then Johm Cho is walking up the star and the ghost is like crab-skittering behind him on the wall and it lloks like something stragiht out of Scary Movie. Some of it looks really comical and don't know how well it is going to work like you said looks like it is set in America now and it's not based in America originally sooo.... amd my best guess at the questionalbe CGI is because Sony CGI seems several years behind the curve. Either their staff is not trained well or doesn't have up to date equipment and software
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