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Everything posted by Lytbryt

  1. until

  2. until

  3. until

  4. until

  5. until

  6. until

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  8. until

    @André Toulon I wuld wear gloves and use the tiny scissors for this shit right here
  9. until

    @NaBoomer BRUH
  10. until

  11. until

    Well Pat should wake up before Branchan so he probs won't even 👁️ it @NaBoomer
  12. until

    " This event repeats every day forever"
  13. Lousiana
  14. until

    @Admin_Raptorpat Plz delet this I was bored and I dont know how to get ride of thise
  15. until

  16. until
    BRUH @NaBoomer
  17. Raimi wanted to have another crack at it looks like. Idk if you noticed or not but at the end of the trailer it indicates that it is rated R for Disturbing Violence, Bloody Images, Terror and Some Language. I don't know about the origional but the remake and the sequel to the remake were both PG-13 and managed to get away w/ some pretty disturving stuff so... maybe this will be a good thing. I am interested in it I hate most modern horror movie are PG-13 because want the biggest audience possible there are some weird exception like Unfriended several years ago was R-rated for some reason mostly language I think so the R-rating is prosmissing I loved Lights Out which came out a few years ago but it too was PG-13 and would have benefit from a R-rate in my opinion. It's slate for a January 3 2020 relase so we will know soon enough!
  18. I like the Radio Demon a lot cool character hope this gets fleshed out in future
  19. Yeah it was really weird how she aged up in the course of one month or whatever... I guess demi-humans age faster or something? Idk I'm hoping they atleast get rid of the slave spell at some point cuz right now in the story she is acting solelly on his behalf because she is forced to do so
  20. Hmm that sounds interesting. Have you seen the Shield Hero? I am watching that right now and the dynamic between the main character and the female companion are a little... problematic so far. I'm only on episode 4 so theres room to grow but so far it has Stockholm Syndrome written all over it.
  21. Thank you helpful commentary not likethe rest of clowns in this thread
  22. Mgus Bride was pretty boring too but I still liked it so its a slow show or whats the plot?
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