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Administration of Effluency
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Everything posted by Rogue_Alphonse

  1. 2006 called...
  2. That’s what it always ends up being
  3. I have never had a password even remotely close to any of these XD
  4. That is the password
  5. For you. Of course 💜
  6. notwelcome is strictly for Cards Against Humanity
  7. I am a better space heater
  8. *opens arms* I am all about them hugs
  9. None of that matters. Get the fuck on ❤️
  10. For you, yes.
  12. I'll be your marshmallow :3
  13. Want it to be?
  14. Who wants in... you need to have the password.
  15. I’m glad this isn’t Facebook, but I shitpost both there as well as here. *huggles*
  16. Not my bed
  17. Go back to bed
  18. Okay, you get a pass. also, boy he looks pissed.
  19. There's already a thread.
  21. I love them... but have never made them. Saturday for Friendsgiving I am gonna give it a shot, but I've never done it before. And while yes, I could google it... fuck that. Gimme some tips or ideas!
  22. Isn't that that show about Boruto's dad?
  23. My gf got a religious book that was basically anti-trans in the mail last year but we do not know who sent it.
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