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Administration of Effluency
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Everything posted by Rogue_Alphonse

  1. If you want it to work with your dome light you'd have to find the fuse or the wire coming from the fuse box that sends power to the dome light. But otherwise you got it I dunno what you mean by fuse splitter...
  2. I don't think I have ever had them bone out unless they were breaded and even then, bone out was rare.
  3. So you have a good basic understanding.. (actually my whole dilemma started because I want to add floor lighting to my foot wells because currently I have NO lighting at all that works with the doors). And LED's usually don't need a relay/cause hardly any load on the circuit. So in your case you could just find the wire that goes to your dome light either in the left or right kick panel (in front of the front door) or easier but more work... tap a wire off of the positive wire behind your dome light, run it down along your A-pillar (beside the windshield), fish it down beside or through the dash somewhere and hook your lighting to that, just run across under the dash from one light to the next in a string. For the ground or negative wires you just attach those to the metal bracing behind the dash or any ground wire you can find under there... orrrr run two wires from the light through the headliner and down along the windshield
  4. I don't want to be in debt til I'm 90 either though.
  5. You can always find informative videos on The Internet.
  6. Easiest for me would be HVAC engineering. But, my cousin is an HVAC engineer, in that he designs ductwork for hospitals, schools, etc... and I know more about houses and their HVAC systems than he does. I mean yeah, different fields within the trade but still...
  7. I bring conversation out of people.
  8. I mean, I have seen mice make hotels out of old TV's. BUUUTTTT I totally just got this idea.... if my old CRT TV makes 12v DC anywhere inside of the case, I can hook up an analog clock i have from a 1986 Chevy pickup, drill a 2.5" hole somewhere in the TV case, and attach it from the back. So yeah, you're probably right
  9. Turned off the basement lights.
  10. Pretty much you have to be an idiot to cause an electrical fire in a car. I get that freak things can happen, yes. Like, example: 24 hours of LeMons 1976 Monte Carlo I saw in a video was under pre-race inspection, and one of the staff started bounced up and down on the front of the car very hard. What NO ONE realized until it was too late, was that the battery cables running to the trunk-located battery which were tied in a seemingly good location actually got pinched between the car's lowered suspension and the metal they were tied to when the car was fully compressed. That's a whoops. But when you just hook shit up with no fuses or relays, or say run something that takes 30 amps and wrap the wire around an existing car fuse and just jam it in the slot... you deserve an electrical fire.
  11. I removed it months ago and had to re-wire my power locks because whoever installed it hacked the wiring to them. I want the chime. I like the chime, I grew up with the chime, I even repaired the chime to work. (it was very faint). I did get somewhere though... broken tab on the door chime input tab inside of the ignition cylinder. But when I make it work properly AKA touch the key, same symptoms. This all started because I wanted working actual interior lights rather than the ones built-in to my rearview that only work when the key is on and cannot be used as a dome light because when power is taken away from them, they do not remember that they were turned on.
  12. I'm way past the days of having quirky vehicles. Over the past 5 years or so I have slowly gotten into "If it's there, I want it to work." from A/C to cruise control to- Well, i did eliminate ALL of my air bag stuff except for the air bag itself.....
  13. I had recently repaired the chime. Kind of a sentimental thing, I grew up with that damn chime Also, I had to break out the big guns. The only info I found was for 1994-2004 which has some extra things my car does not have.
  14. It also controls the power to the door chime if the headlights are left on, which is fine if the car is off and the key is out. I had it running today and turned on the lights for shits and giggles... "ding...ding...ding..." I can only believe when a previous idiot either re-wired the high beam relay, or wired in a shitty Bulldog (or what I call, Bullshit) "security" system, they goof'd with the dome light or wired the chime to have full power when the lights are on by accident. This is how my life works. I can't just replace something that's missing and that be it. No, it has to be fucking complicated for no reason. The car came from Seattle, and the previous owner is afraid to touch wiring so.. I blame Seattle.
  15. LOL I just need to make a couple different "caps" that go on top of the pool table... Blackjack, Beer Pong, Ping Pong, and a nice top for playing card/tabletop games.
  16. I had a black light bulb in it but it was horrible... right now it's a purple LED but has almost the same affect. I also have a legit black light behind the bar
  17. for my subtle little pool table that rotates into an air hockey table. The bulb sat too far up inside the lamp to provide adequate lighting, so I used an old ass adapter that changes a regular light fixture into a receptacle as well as has a pull switch on it. Double perfect. let party
  18. It does not work... part of why I stopped playing Pokemon Go.
  19. God dammit it's called a Mochi Dingding. https://www.amazon.com/Dingding-Squishy-Squeeze-Healing-Collection/dp/B06XBVNPZ4
  20. Maybe my shitty iPhone doesn't have a rotating cam.
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