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Administration of Effluency
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Everything posted by Rogue_Alphonse

  1. Yes. Due to me not following or caring much about anyone's political stance on here unless they are obviously racist or bigoted, that second part I can not work with.
  2. Or Ice-T is just Iced Tea Or Ice Cube is jut Ice Cube!
  3. Two cards related to you are in. Also: (It's inverted thanks to my dark mode)
  4. busy baning people
  5. Open to suggestions! I have an Unevenedge themed deck going, will create others as ideas roll in. Please specify if your card suggestion is a Black card or a White card.
  6. yeah happy whatever
  7. I'm just the interactive one. Happy birthmas! <3
  8. did one year, hate being cold. My mom and stepdad are avid archery hunters though.
  9. You say that like I'd hesitate
  10. Why the fuck did they give me two thick slices of pork loin. I didn't even finish one. I took home a box that looked like it came from one of those Chinese buffets where you pay for food by the pound.
  11. I mean even my pics weren't the best this time. But yeah, his are worse. Also his "hot enclosure" theory makes me hope he has a grease fire inside of his oven.
  12. Hi cutie
  13. I am not a Right winged person
  14. Didn't want to waste beer batter, and my gf loves eggplant... She said it wasn't bad, but luckily I only made two pieces At least the chicken is off the hook, (Sorry for horrible pic)
  15. I'll be sure to give head pats while you give head pats.
  16. A user we shall never see here, but a user who will not be forgotten within the community. Cheers to my love machine.
  17. Aw, I was about to ask if you waned to hop on Discord too. You can lay across my lap if you want
  18. I am sexy.
  19. It's dead.
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