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Administration of Effluency
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Everything posted by Rogue_Alphonse

  1. The amount of vague between us has been astounding. i thought you were coming at my lack of words
  2. I typed fast and didn’t feel like editing it. I don’t see why this kind of reaction is needed.
  3. Is that Packard’s foot?
  4. Navigate any vehicle down that. And record it.
  5. Pussy.
  6. Agree
  7. Disagree
  8. I usually run a 160 thermostat, large 4-core radiator, and a big electric fan to keep my heads cool
  9. I am in udder disbelief
  10. I didn't know biting was your fetish
  11. Just mix the flavor packets together.
  12. With your mom and little girl in the house being forced to deal with vomit-coated trash cans and other "clutter"
  13. Here we go again with that "I think I am better than you because I assume I have better stuff" bullshit. First and foremost, I used a ZTE for 4 days while I awaited the arrival of a replacement screen for my iPhone 5c, like 6 years ago... and absolutely loathed it. That being said, I like and use iPhones. I have been well-known to use an older model iPhone for years and run it to the ground. In my eyes, there is no point dropping $1,000 or more on a new phone unless it doubles as your computer and/or work phone. In your case, you don't need either because your work stays in the call center and you have some bloated up new laptop. So you are wasting money just to try to prove something. That something, buried way down inside of that extremely thick skull of yours, is that material possessions make you who you are. I can judge you that way too. You're a moron.
  14. No, I have, and I am telling you what gave me good "side affects".
  15. Ever abuse percs or oxys? Because I loved those side effects. I do not condone it.
  16. Operator error: allowing bloatware to install.
  17. I have determined by this thread that the cause is operator error.
  18. A third of my later childhood my mom was single and while I did visit my dad on weekends, most of my time was spent with her and when I was home my half-sister would come visit. I also cook, clean, and maintain the house. I mean everything from cutting the grass to plumbing and electric to HVAC. Plus I maintain the fleet of cars in the driveway. Your logic is asinine.
  19. Mine is so big I caused my gf to grow one.
  20. She still isn’t banned though even though I’m a shitty mod. oh wait... 🤔🤔
  21. Maybe you should worry more about what she is reading than trying to start shit with every user here.
  22. Oof
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