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nice to see an anime that doesn't kill it's Gay characters the first chance they get for once








I mean assuming Ymir and the blonde guy being gay isn't just a dub invention


can you go one second without  thinking about a shows treatment of gay characters


Or even assuming they're gay, for that matter.


nice to see an anime that doesn't kill it's Gay characters the first chance they get for once








I mean assuming Ymir and the blonde guy being gay isn't just a dub invention


Yeah...about that...



Reiner has a son.



can you go one second without  thinking about a shows treatment of gay characters

do you have to nitpick and be an ass when I do? :|

I find it extremely suspicious that everyone just escaped that town.  Sure, some could have gotten out, but every last one?


The Titan that was on top of the house reminded him of his mother?  Aaaaaahh.  That makes more sense.


Ymir rubs me the wrong way.


She can read the dead language on the wine and herring.  Interesting.


Titans are in!  God damn that was fucking creepy.


If you're talking about Reiner, I seriously doubt it.

yeah someone already spoiled it



guess the line acting like he was Gay was a dub invention


typical, guess that line was a dub invention


That line was clearly just Ymir getting back at him.


We've seen him for a while, and he's never acted like he's been interested in any of the guys so...


I was gonna say, you'd think Ymir would be more pissed off that her girlfriend is doting on a guy in front of her


That line was clearly just Ymir getting back at him.


We've seen him for a while, and he's never acted like he's been interested in any of the guys so...

does anyone seem like a romantic?


That line was clearly just Ymir getting back at him.


We've seen him for a while, and he's never acted like he's been interested in any of the guys so...

only character who's shown same sex attraction was Ymir


I'll take what I can get



even though experience has taught me Ymir could end up with a guy someday anyway (like in Kare kano where the openly Lesbian character turns straight later)


nice to see an anime that doesn't kill it's Gay characters the first chance they get for once


If you want MASSIVE spoilers on the character (his name is Reiner Braun by the way)...



Reiner Braun is the Armored Titan ( the huge one that broke the first Wall in episode one).



y-you know Krista I... got a bit of a scratch.  >:D >:D >:D >:D

reminds me of Sailor Uranus being Jealous of men flirting with Neptune in Sailor moon (to which Neptune always fired back with a flirty reassurance that she was in fact a lesbian)

reminds me of Sailor Uranus being Jealous of men flirting with Neptune in Sailor moon (to which Neptune always fired back with a flirty reassurance that she was in fact a lesbian)




If you want MASSIVE spoilers on the character (his name is Reiner Braun by the way)...



Reiner Braun is the Armored Titan ( the huge one that broke the first Wall in episode one).


I know,

also it's been confirmed he's straight so I don't care if he dies


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